Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunday December 30, 2007

3 x 2 minute rounds of jump rope
4 x 2 minute boxing rounds using Bas Rutten's audio CD
Burgener Warm up

Back Squat
Bench Press
Dead Lift

10-8-6 reps one exercise to the next adding weight each time

Single lift at a time starting with the back squat going up weight with the change in reps. There were three of us and it took too long. We finished with Back Squat and I got up to 225, Lance to 215 and Alex to 135 and then we did the bench but only one set of each of the reps getting up to 205 for Lance and me...unassisted for Lance, I needed help. Alex got toe 115 with a little help.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saturday December 29, 2007

Over the Top

Ring Dips
Box Jumps
Burpee Pullovers
Clean and Jerk (95)
Rounds of:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2,1

Eugene 14:30
Lance 15:08
Alex 20:58

This was much harder than I thought it was going to be. It was my original intention to go 1 to 10 and maybe if that wasn't hard enough to come back down to 1. But by the time I got to rep 3 we were all so smoked that I knew we wouldn't make it to 10 let alone back down. I changed it mid workout to 5 and back down just out of survival. This one is Over the Top because of how you go up and down the numbers, because of how you go Over the Top of the bar and because in difficulty, it is just Over the Top. For Alex and others that can't do a pullover, do two knees to elbows for each pullover instead.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Friday December 28, 2007



Ring Dips
KB SNATCH (44 lbs - 10-L/10-R)
Clean and Jerk

10, 9, 8...1 For time

Same workout but adjusted a bit because I just have two rowing machines and too many people to cycle through without conflicts. The Snatches made a bit harder.

Eugene 21:43
Frank 22:35
Erik 26:20
Chris 27:37
Tom 30:43
Kevin 34:25
JD 34:45
Mark 35:18
Byron 40:42

PM Group

Freefall for Stuart in 23:42

Just Shoot Me

Row 500
The Bear (95)
(Squat Clean, Press, Back Squat, Push Press, Front Squat, Thurster)
3 Weighted Pullups
5 Dead Hang Pullups
7 Kipping Pullups

3 Press
5 Push Press
7 Push Jerk (95)

Jennifer 29:50 (45 lbs)
Lance 30:40
Alex 32:22 (65 lbs)

Jack did a press, back squat and DL workout.

Thursday December 27, 2007


Ring Dips
Rowing (Calories)
Thrusters (2 x 25 lb DBs)
Clean and Jerk (95 lbs)

10,9,8...1 For time

Alex 29:10
Lance 29:43
Jennifer 30:32

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wednesday December 26, 2007


Row 250 meters
5 Squat Thrust Pushup (on KB's) Squat Clean Thruster (2 x 36)
10 Push Press (95 lbs)
20 Anchored Alternating KB Snatches (2 x 36)
10 Tire Rage
(Burpee, jump in out of tire and repeat. Each pass is 1 rep)

3 Rounds for time

Eugene 17:55
Stuart 18:37
Alex 19:19
Lance 19:37

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Saturday December 22, 2007

Alexander the Great

Back Squat (100 lbs)
Behind the neck push or split jerk (100 lbs)
Thruster (2 x 25 lb DBs)

Rounds of 10, 9, 8...1

Jack 12:42
Alex (65) (20) 12:42
Eugene 14:05
Lance 14:39

The scraped off skin on the back of my neck over the T-1 spinal bump is a really terrific indicator that you should use a bar with no center knurling for this. Lowering the bar from overhead after each push jerk got to be hard to steer around that bump after a few rounds.
This workout is in counterpoint to Linda which has the pulling lifts of the deadlift and the clean and I made it up to avoid pulling which hurst Lance's bicep lately.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday December 21, 2007

Linda for Jack in 53:20. He benched 180 which took him the longest, deadlifted 275 and cleaned 135. A stickler for doing his own work he didn't count any of his bench reps where I had to give him even the slightest assistance.

Thursday December 20, 2007

Party with the Girls

Bob 35:26


Deadlift 1.5 x bodyweight
Clean 3/4 bodyweight
Bench Press bodyweight

For Lance and me that was 255 for the DL but I did 225 because 255 was too heavy and Lance did 185 because of his back. We both cleaned 125 and he benched 170 and I think I was doing 165 most of the way through till the lower numbers. I stink at the bench press. Alex did around 95 for the bench press, 135 for the DL and 75 for the cleans. We took about 50 minutes but had to spot each other on the bench. At best we might have improved our time to 45 minutes or maybe 40 if we really pushed it. Fantastic workout even done at a moderate pace.

Wednesday December 19, 2007

Party with the Girls

Stuart 32:45

With a pair of 36 lb KBs (26's for Alex)
Squat thrust/pushup
Renegade Row
Squat Clean
2 Thrusters
2 Clean and Jerks
2 Alt. Anchored Snatches
2 Pullups

Did this awful thing 5 times. Painful, but a great warm up.

Press, Push Press, Push Jerk

Starting at 75 lbs and doing 5 reps as long as we were able, then dropping to 3 and 2 and then turning it into a push press and finally a push jerk. I got to 125 for the press, 135 for the push press and 155 for the push jerk. Jack was better pressing 135 and about the same amount more for each of the subsequent lifts. Lance was between me and Jack.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What it looks like now

Here's the new platform. Waiting on a second horizontal bumper rack from Sorinex, the one I have is at a welder's place to have some copies made to hold all those bumpers. Note the finish on the platform. That's 7 coats of polyurathane with plenty of sanding in between. No, it is not slippery, not even when you sweat all over it.

Here's Sammie on the finished ladder. It serves to access the attic above the gym...just a storage area really, but is also for climbing up with your hands only. Here Sammie is climbing down the ladder with just her hands...not bad for a 5 year old. She makes her mom very nervous.

Here's my new logo. The homage to the Punisher skull is evident but it is different enough to not be a copy. The spear and swords are from The 300 and the font is from Blade II.

Tuesday December 18, 2007

Party with the Girls

Elizabeth – 400 m Run – 21 Squat Cleans (75) – 21 Ring Dips
Angie – 25 Pullups – 25 Pushups – 25 Situps – 25 Squats
Kelly – 400 m Run – 30 Box Jumps – 30 Wall Ball Shots
Fran – 21 Thrusters (75) – 21 Pullups
Helen – 400 m Run – 21 Swings (52) – 12 Pullups
Grace – 30 Clean and Jerks (75)

Eugene 28:52
Jack 34:26
Nick 35:08
Alex 36:35
Lance 36:30


Here's the old set up with the 6 x 8 platform. It was too small and there was not quite enough room between the ends of the bar and the bumpers for dropping the bar and no space at all on the platform outside the cage.

I have to make a mess to improve things so the gym can get a bit trashed sometimes. This part of the mess was to create a new ladder to go from the loft to the attic crawl space.

Where the ladder is is where the new plumbing pipe ladder will be mounted. Had to use a card board mock up to get the angles right. That space on the wall between the pullup bars and the ladder looks like a good spot to mount something.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Monday December 17, 2007


Barbell Thruster (75)
Cleans (115)
Ring Pushups

Lance 15:06
Alex 15:27

Sweater of Discomfort

Sweater of Discomfort
Row 500
Push Press 50
Row 400
Push Press 40
Row 300
Push Press 30
Row 200
Push Press 20
Row 100
Push Press 10
Once through for time

Nick 15:59
Grant 16:10

The Nick and Grant workout was tight from start to finish. Nick is bigger and stronger, Grant is faster and more agile. Nick had the advantage on the rowing machine but he couldn't seem to shake Grant. Nick finished the row first but he went to the push press and while catching his breath Grant caught up. Nick said, "Man, I just can't shake him." It was tight to the finish and both made sweat angels. A good 20 minutes later Grant said, "I'm still not right."

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday December 16, 2007

Burgener Warmup

Power Snatch/High Pull 5-4-3-2-1
Power Cleans/High Pull 5-4-3-2-1
DL 5-4-3-2-1
Max pulls from pins

Started with 75 lbs to start for 5 reps and then snatch grip high pulls.
From 5 to 4 reps then to 3 and after the snatches and high pulls do 5 power cleans/high pulls.
After 2 snatches/pulls do 4 power cleans/high pulls.
After 1 snatch/pull and 3 power cleans/high pulls do 5 deadlifts.
Next is 2 power cleans and 4 deadlifts, 1 and 3 and so on.
We found that the DL weight was too light so we started over with 5 for the deadlift.
We started at 225 and I worked up to 2 lifts at 295 but failed at 315. Grant got the 315 as did Jack, Nick and Stuart. Stuart, Nick and Jack left the rest of us in the dust with the DL and went higher but I forget what they pulled. Bob had to leave before we got to the DL.
Then we put a bar up on pin in the rack about mid thigh high with 315 on it. We did sets off pulls off the pins and Jack, Nick and I managed to get 495 up. Stuart has some elbow issues and didn't want to go that heavy today. Take that Micah...495 off the pins.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

1/2 Hour of Power for Stuart and Bob. I posted their scores on yesterdays matrix.

Jack, Lance, Alex, Nick, and I did Stand and Deliver.

3 Press
4 Push Press
5 Push Jerk

Do 5 switching hands each time. We used a 36 lb KB and Jack moved through this like he was just putting on his shirt. It just about flattened me. My OHS weakness showed and just as soon as I began the squat, the KB sought the top of my head. After SAD...great acronym for me feelings about this one...I set out KB's in weights of 88 - 36 - 72 - 36 - 61 - 36. We did cleans in reps of 2, 4, 6 with the heavy ones and 8 snatches with the 36's.

Thursday December 13, 2007

1/2 Hour of Power

Powr Clean Wall Ball Pullups KB PP (44) Rowing (Cal) Snatch (44) Total
Eugene 53 70 70 58 70 92 413
Stuart 70 80 40 55 55 82 382
Alex 56 65 65 60 59 70 375
Nick 41 55 50 65 56 75 342
Lance 46 55 49 36 50 104 340
Jack 43 80 48 39 57 61 328
Grant 36 50 57 50 60 57 310
Dylan 43 50 33 3056 70 282
Bob 26 73 38 35 50 22 244

Continuously running clock with 5 minutes at each of 6 stations - Power Clean with 95 lbs, Wall Ball with a 20 lb ball, Pullups, KB Push Press with a pair of 44's, Rowing for calories and KB snatch with a 44. Do max reps at each station with as much rest as you need switching every 5 minutes.

By the way counted right when you said 275. When you posted my error I went and fixed it. The pullups at each end are supposed to be 25...I had that right, but I had Wall Ball or one of the other exercises at 25 as well. Good catch. I look forward to seeing your numbers for this one.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wednesday December 12, 2007

Rusty Mower

High Pull

The mower won't start and you have to pull it harder and harder. Give it 5 pulls with a bent over row, then 5 more with a high pull, then 5 more cleans and finish with 5 snatches. Then switch to the other hand and do the same. Next do 4 with each hand, then 3 and keep going on down to 1 of each for each arm. Use a 36 lb KB to start.


Squat Clean/Thruster
Power Clean/Push Jerk

Use a pair of 25 lb DB's to start and knock out 5 pushups with your hands on the DB handles. Then stand with the bells to a squat clean and come up to a thruster 5 times making sure you squat down deeply enough to touch at least on end of the DB to the floor. Finish with 5 power clean and push jerks. Start over with 4 of each then 3, 2, 1.

The 300

25 Pullups
50 Tire Jumps
50 Ring Pushups
50 ABMat Situps
50 KB Swings (44) 25/25
50 Ball Slams (25)
25 Pullups

One time through as fast as you can.

Three of us, Jack, Grant and me did the Rusty Mower first while Lance Alex and Nick did Revolution first. We Rusty Mowers did 1 of each 5 times, then 4 times and so on. That was very slow and inefficient. Lance, Alex and Nick did 5 rows, 5 high pulls, 5 cleans and 5 snatches and their times reveal how much more efficient that method is. That will be how we do this one from now on.

Here are our times for Rusty Mower, Revolution and The 300.

Eugene 4:28, 1:58, 11:58
Lance 3:19, 2:18, 14:09
Alex 3:17, 2:43, 13:10
Jack 4:44, 1:58, 12:41
Nick 3:13, 2:04, 14:33
Grant 5:26, 1:58, 12:57

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday December 11, 2007

Collateral Damage

20 Wall Ball (20)
30 Calories Rowing
40 Jumping Pullups

10 KB Snatches (52) each hand
20 Hollow Rock
30 Ball Slams (25)
40 KB Swings (44)

10 Clean and Jerk (115)
20 Ab Roller
30 Tire Jumps
40 Jumping Dips

10 Hang Power Cleans (75)
20 DB Thrusters (25)
30 Pullups
40 Push Press (75)

Eugene 23:50
Stuart 24:22
Nick 25:53
Grant 27:19
Alex 27:51
Dylan 28:30
Lance 28:43

Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday December 10, 2007

Slam Ball Exercises

Fran (75)

Eugene 4:18
Grant 4:53
Jack 5:53
Nick 6:14
Alex 6:18
Lance 6:34
Bob 6:41
Scott 7:37

5 Barbell Snatches
5 Squat Clean
5 Thrusters
5 Back Squat
5 Clean and Jerk

All done with 75 lbs. Next round was 4 then 3 and so on down to 1

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sunday December 9, 2007

CrossFit Total

Squat, Press, Deadlift = Total

Stuart 275, 165, 405 = 845
Jack 255, 135, 345 = 735
Eugene 225, 125, 285 = 635

Saturday December 8, 2007

KB day with 44's

Swing - Squat Clean - Thruster then burpee and alternate x 10

Swing - Clean Catch - Squat - Thruster throw to other hand x 10

Swing - Clean and Jerk - Snatch - Swing flip to alternate hands x 10

Swing - High Pull - Snatch - helicopter spin to alternate hands x 10

Snatch - 5 x 5 continuous alternating hands each 5 reps

Double KB Push Jerk 3 x 10 @ 40, 35 and 30 second pace

See Saw Push Press 3 x 10

Anchored Alternating Snatch x 10

Row of KBs 72, 36, 61, 36, 52, 36 lined up and reps of 2, 4, 6 on the heavier bells in the clean and jerk with 8 reps of the snatch in between.

Eugene, Lance, Alex, Nick, Grant, Jack, Jennifer and Sammie

Friday December 7, 2007

The Big Dripper

Row 250
5 DL (230) + Box Jump
10 Thrusters (95)
15 Burpee Pullups
20 Air Squats
25 Push Press (75)
50 KB Snatches 25 L 25 R
100 Rope Jumps
2 Rounds for Time

Grant 22:14
Nick 25:44
Alex 23:03
Lance 24:08
Bob 24:07

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Thursday December 6, 2007

Partner + 1

Ab mat situps
KB Snatch (52) (36)
Partner Rage Box Throws
Tire Catch
Power Clean (115)

Max reps, change on the minute

Eugene, Stuart, Lance, Alex, Jack, Toni, Dylan, Grant, Nick

Fat Bar Deadlift
Log Push Press
Weighted Pullups

The deadlift got up to 265 and the push press to 135...165 for Stuart. We used a 30 lb vest and worked up to a 45 lb DB for Nick, Lance and me and 55 for Jack. We did 3 to 5 reps at each station for 4 rotations.

Wednesday November 5, 2007

(Lactic) Acid Test

Jumping Pullups
Push Press (75)
Tire Jumps
Kettlebell Snatch (36)

Round 1, 3 minutes
Round 2, 2 minutes
Round 3, 1 minute

About a minute between each to put your score on the board and move to the next exercise. Score is total reps.

Eugene 970
Stuart 967
Grant 891
Alex 886
Nick 813
Lance 803
Bob 762

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Tuesday December 4, 2007

Jacob's Ladder

25 Wall Ball
25 Row (Calories)
25 Ball Slams (25 lb ball)
25 Power Cleans (115 lbs)
25 KB Swings (52 lbs)

20 DB Thrusters (35 lbs)
20 Pullups
20 Hammer Hits to Tire
20 KB Snatches (44 lbs) 10/10
20 Ring Pushups

15 Push Press (95 lbs)
15 Clean and Jerk (105 lbs)
15 Hex Bar DL/Box Jumps (190 lbs) (20” box)
15 GHD Situps
15 Barbell Snatches (75 lbs)

10 Front Squat (95 lbs)
10 KB Flip and Dip
10 Pullups
10 KB Double Clean and Jerk (44 lbs)
10 Ring Dips

5 Road Rage
5 Pushup/Pullup/Rollup
5 Colleen and Jerk with Burpee (45)
5 HSPU (Hand Stand Pushup)
5 Squat Clean/Thruster/Back Squat/Split Jerk

Eugene 41:24
Alex 49:28
Dylan 50:03
Nick 50:23
Grant 50:38
Lance 53:48

Monday December 3, 2007

Muscle up practice - still can't get through the transition.

The Bear practice

5 Power Clean
5 Power Clean with Front Squat
5 Squat Clean
5 Squat Clean Thruster

This was done with just the bar to get the feel for the Squat Clean, then with a 95 lb bar

Squat Clean Thruster

We did 1 then 2 then 3 reps twice through

Squat Clean

One Squat Clean then 2, 3, 4 Thrusters

Squat Clean
Back Squat
Split Jerk
5 reps

36 lb KB

Lunge left, right
OHS, Sots Press
5 reps each arm

Some ab work and then band runs to finish up

Eugene, Stuart, Lance, Alex, Nick, Grant

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Sunday December 2, 2007

A Boy Named Sue

Push Press (95)
Tire Jump
1 rep at minute one
2 reps at minute two
and so on to 20 minutes

Eugene 18 rounds + 14 push presses
Stuart 17 rounds + 18 push presses and 2 jumps
Alex 17 rounds + 11 push presses
Grant 16 rounds
Bob 15 rounds + 16 push presses
Lance 15 rounds + 12 push presses

Saturday December 1, 2007

Double Unders
Ball Squats

5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Back Squats
5 Split Jerk

We did each event individually for 5 reps doing one each of the movement before. Then when we had practiced each movement we did 5 of each all the way through, took a short rest and did it again.

Row 250
Ring Pushups
Tire Jumps
KB Snatch (44)

Lance 12:02
Alex 12:48 (36)
Nick 13:40

Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday November 30, 2007

Stuart Tabata Squats 14
Tabata Push Press (45 lb bar) 19


Grant 7:54
Nick 12:06

Nick is stronger than Grant and me and can press a 72 lb KB whereas Grant and I cannot. Nick's slower time with Samantha is based mostly on a degradation of muscular stamina during the pressing movements and a rapid decline in pullup strength. As it always does, CrossFit ferrets out weaknesses and rubs your nose in them.

5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
Max rounds in 20 minutes

Eugene 23 + 5 squats
Alex 21 + 10 pushups
Grant 19 + 4 squats
Lance 19 + 5 pullups
Nick 12 + 1 pullup

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thursday November 29, 2007

Lance was sick on the 27th so he did his pullup challenge today and got 33...well above his hoped for goal of 25.

Samantha (95 lb barbell)

Press 7-5-3
Push Press 7-5-3
Push Jerk 7-5-03
Pullups 21-15-9

This was created with 85 lbs in mind but Stuart suggested we do 95. Since Alex and I did Tabata Push Presses yesterday I wasn't too keen on that much weight...but I went along. Glad I did. I did 2:58 last time I did this and that was with 85 pounds. Clean the barbell and press it 7 times, then push press it 7 times and then finally push jerk it 7 times. Then go do 21 pullups. Next press it 5, push press it 5 and push jerk it for 5 and then do 15 pullups. Finally do the same thing with 3 reps each time and 9 pullups. A quick one but very potent. Kind of like Fran but without all the leg work.

Eugene 2:48
Stuart 3:00
Lance 5:41
Alex 6:27

Then we did some ab work which consited of:

Leg circles once each direction and 2 K2E repeated 5 times.
25 ab mat situps
15 GHD parallel holds with a vertical throw.
2 rounds

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday November 28, 2007

Tabata Squats

Eugene 17
Grant 17
Alex 16
Eric 16
Nick 15
Bob 12

Tabata Push Press (45 lb bar)

Eugene 20
Bob 14
Alex 12 (30)
Nick 6
Grant 5
Eric 4

Power Clean
Front Squat
Back Squat
Split Jerk

Each movement done individually at first and then added to the one before it. Eventually we did the whole shebang at once. A "Bear" to be sure.

20 2- hand swings
20 1-hand alternating swings
10 flip and dip
10 clean and press
50 snatches

70-52-44-36 lb bells in a row, 2, 4, 6, 8 clean and jerks with one arm, then back through the line with the other.

Tuesday November 27, 2007

Pullup Challenge Day

Eugene 51
Stuart 40
Alex 35
Toni 21
Bob 20

Mae West

Eugene 5:35
Alex 6:38
Bob 6:45
Eric 6:50
Grant 6:50

Sunday November 25, 2007

Fight Gone Bad

Lance 253
Alex 231 (50)
Stuart 303

Saturday November 24, 2007

Got Air?

Toni 21:29

Friday November 23, 2007

The Rack

Barbell and KB push jerk and split jerk

Back Squat
Rack Jerk

5 x 5 and then 3 x 1

Stuart, Bob, Lance, Eugene

Wednesday November 21, 2007

Got Air?

10 RDL
10 Hang Power Clean
10 Push Press
10 Front Squat
10 Pullups
Row 500

3 Rounds for Time

Alex 15:12
Lance 19:16

Tuesday November 20, 2007

Thai boxing drills

Snatch practice

Barbell Power Snatch 10 (75)
Big tire flip and jump through x 5
Landmine Push Jerk 5 each hand (70)
Pullups 10
2 x 44 Push Press 10

Band sprints to cone x 20

Jack, Lance, Dylan, Sutart, Alex, Eug

Monday November 19, 2007

Handstand practice with HSPU struggles

Clean practice with KB's and light barbells both power and squat cleans

KB lifts

Lance, Alex, Sutart, Bob, Dylan, Jack and Eug

Sunday November 18, 2007

Just Jack today doing some heavy deadlifts and presses.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday November 17, 2007

Heavily Armed

Eugene 16:28
Bob 23:21

Cloak of Despair

Row 1000
25 Push Press (75)
25 Pullups
25 Ring Pushups
4 Rounds for Time

Lance 42:11
Alex 42:42 (50)

Friday November 16, 2007

Artificial Limp

Back Squat (135)
Box Jumps
Row (Calories)
Box Jumps
DL (190)
Box Jumps
DB Thrusters (35)
Box Jumps
Wall Ball (20)
Box Jumps
Rounds of 12-10-8

Eugene 19:59
Jack 20:28
Alex 22:25
Lance 25:38

For the first time I did my back squats with the Rippetoe powerlifter low hold on my back and with my very first set of 12 my hamstrings revolted and were not at all interested in continuing with the workout. DRAMATIC difference in the recruitment of the rear wheel drive muscles. This is a great complement to the Heavily Armed workout and might make a good Epic workout as a combination.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday November 15, 2007

SOD/LOD Back Squats a la Coach Ripp

Heavily Armed

KB Snatch (52) 1/2 rep count each hand
Ring Pushups
Hang Power Clean (95)
Ring Pushups
Push Press (95)
Ring Pushups
Ring Pushups
KB Clean and Jerk (2 x 44)
Ring Pushups
Rounds of 12-10-8

Alex 23:20 36 and 26 lb KBs 50 lb bar
Lance 26:40
Jack 29:15

Wednesday November 14, 2007

Police Brutality

200 Pullups as;

50 Jumping pullups
20 Rope Pullups
20 Commando Pullups
20 Eagle Claw with on hand bar in the other pullups 10/10
20 Alternating grip pullups
20 Ring Pullups
50 Jumping Pullups

Burpee/Squat Clean/Thruster (25 lb DBs)
DL + Box Jump (185)
Ball Slams (25)

Eugene 9:00
Bob 11:05
Jack 11:47
Alex 11:37
Lance 11:58

Tuesday November 13 2007

Le Grand Century

Bob 26:55
Lance 30:39
Alex 33:58

Monday November 12, 2007

SOD KB Snatch and Push Jerk

Le Grand Century

Row 250
25 Swings (44)
25 Hammer Hits
25 Pullups
25 Push Press
4 Rounds for Time

Eugene 22:43
Toni 29:55
Jack 29:55

Toni has been CrossFitting for about a month and came to me with about, ohhh, zero pullups. She has done as many as 12 kipping pullups in a row now. Amazing improvement.

Sunday November 11, 2007

Regatta Tabata

Lance and Alex

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Friday November 9, 2007

SOD (Skill of the Day)
Double Unders

LOD (Lift of the Day)
Behind Neck Push Press - walk

Regatta Tabata Upper/Singles

Ring Pushups
Push Press (75)

32 rounds of Tabata but just one round of each exercise, rotating during the 10 seconds off. Regatta Tabata Lower will be leg specific and the variations can be 2, 4 all all 8 rounds at a time.

Toni, Jack and Eugene

Thursday November 8, 2007

Run 800
5 Squat Clean Thrusters
5 Hang Squat Cleans
5 Burpees
5 Rounds

5 Pullups
5 Pushups
5 Situps
5 Squats
5 Rounds

Run 800 then do all 5 rounds of the lifting followed by all 5 rounds of the bodyweight exercises then run the second 800.

Jack 33:15 (95)
Lance 26:49 (75)
Alex 25:19 (50)
Stuart 22:49 (115)

Run 800 then do 5 rounds

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Wednesday November 7, 2007

Bench Press
Back Squat
Clean and Jerk

5 rounds with increasing weight each round
Eug, Bob, Jack, Toni

Tuesday November 6, 2007

1 Power Clean
2 Hang Squat Cleans
3 Split Jerks
4 Romanian DL
5 Pullups
200 foot run
x 5
2 minute rest and repeat

Times include the 2 minute rest
Eugene 5:20/12:50 (95)
Jack 6:13/14:32 (95)
Lance 6:10/14:25 (95)
Alex 6:30/14:37 (45)
Stuart 5:00/12:47 (115)

Monday November 5, 2007

A Nice Run Ruined

Run 400
21 KB Swings (52)
15 Ball slams (30)
9 Pullups

Run 400
21 KB Snatches (44)
15 Wall Ball (20)
9 Pullups

Run 400
21 DL (140-hex bar)
15 Ring Dips
9 Pullups

Run 400
21 Push Press (75)
15 Power Cleans (115)
9 Pullups
Once through for time

Lance 21:35
Alex 22:28

Landmine Alternating Thruster 10 total 35 to 65 lbs
Landmine Split Jerk 10 each hand 35 to 85 lbs
Muscle ups 10 with harness
1-hand swing/clean and jerk/snatch alternate for 10 total
Weighted pullups 4 reps, drop weight 6 reps drop more 8 reps without weight
OHS 10 reps round one 8 reps round 2 6 reps round 3

3 rounds

Stuart, Toni, Bob, Eug

I should post a video of Toni doing muscle ups in the harness. Amazing to see. She's OK when her shoulders are fresh but 30 muscle ups, even with the harness, is not something her shoulders are used to. The fight she has to get through the transition and up over the rings and then the struggle to lock out the dip is mesmerizing. She is devoted to each and every rep as if that rep alone defined her development. She is working to become a fire fighter and is one of the hardest workers in our gym.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Saturday November 3, 2007

Micha post Root Canal in an astonishing 14:50. He finds it difficult to do the CF workouts in the Bally's where he usually trains because of the commute time between stations and the lack of cooperation of people who don't hug the walls when someone needs to race by to get to his next piece of equipment. Later in the day the afternoon group went for:

A Nice Run Ruined

Run 400 21 KB Swings (52) 15 Ball slams (30) 9 Pullups Run 400 21 KB Snatches (44) 15 Wall Ball (20) 9 Pullups Run 400 21 DL (140-hex bar) 15 Ring Dips 9 Pullups Run 400 21 Push Press (75) 15 Power Cleans (115) 9 Pullups
Once through for time

Eugene 15:54, Stuart 16:01, Bob 20:22, Alyse 23:10

Friday, November 02, 2007

Friday November 2, 2007



Frank 23 + 5 + 10
JD 23
Eugene 21 + 5 + 10
Chris 19 + 5 + 10
Tom 19 + 5 + 10
Byron 19 + 5 + 10


Root Canal

10 Deadlifts (BW)
20 Box Jumps
10 Hang Power Snatch (75)
20 Ball Slams (30)
10 Barbell Thrusters (.5 BW)
20 Calories Rowing

3 Rounds for Time

Stuart 19:00
Bob 24:13
Jack 28:21

Thursday November 1, 2007


5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
Max rounds in 20 minutes

Stuart 20 + 5 + 8
Jack 16
Toni 15 + 5 + 10
Lance 18 + 5 + 10
Alex 18 + 5 + 10

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday October 30, 2007

Pushing the Envelope

Jack 31:21

Monday October 29, 2007

Wall Ball
Flip and Dip
KB C & J - Snatch - Swing flip to other hand
The Bear (95)
DL + Box Jump (190)
Push Press 2 x 44 lb KB
Hammer Hits
Ring Pushups

30 second rounds, max reps, 1 min rest after all 10 exercises

Saturday October 27, 2007

Pushing the Envelope

50 yard tire run to or from mailbox
10 Hang Power Clean (95)
10 Push Press (95)
10 Front Squat (95)
10 Clean and Jerk (95)

50 yard tire run to or from mailbox
15 DB/KB Thrusters (35)
15 Rage Ball (30)
15 Ring Pushups
15 Row (Calories)

50 yard tire run to or from mailbox
20 Wall Ball (20)
20 KB Snatch (44) 10 L 10 R
20 KB/DB Push Press (35)
20 KB/DB Split Clean (25)

50 yard tire run to or from mailbox
25 Pullups
25 Pushups
25 Situps
25 Squats
Blast Through for Time

Eugene 23:29
Stuart 25:42
Alyse 27:29
Bob 29:26
Toni 29:38

Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday October 26, 2007

Spinal Tap

Run up hill 100 meters and then back down
25 Air Squats
25 2-hand Swings (44)
25 Snatches each hand (36)
25 Pullups

4 rounds for time

Eugene 29:59
Stuart 31:09
Bob 32:23
Jason 34:10
Dustin 34:18

Wednesday October 24, 2006

CrossFit Total

Jason total 805 with a 265 squat, 135 press and 405 deadlift
Chuck total 655 with a 265 squat, 145 press and 245 deadlift
Stuart total 895 with a 295 squat, 175 press and 425 deadlift

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday October 20, 2007


(Surprising the kids with a Disneyland trip on Monday and this is probably the last workout I will make up before I leave on the trip. Bob did it with me today and thought of the name).

Set up like boxing rounds, 3 minutes on with a 1 minute rest

Row (Calories)
Push Press (75)
Ring Pushups
KB Snatch (36)

Eugene 49, 71, 61, 54 and 80 for 315
Bob 40, 75, 45, 33, 60 for 253

But Bob did a 115 lb Grace in 5:23 about 15 minutes before he went to Disneyland.

Friday October 19, 2007

5 Barbell Snatches (75)
Burpee - jump through two side by side big tires
Burpee - 2 consecutive pullovers
Push press with 105 lbs on on the phat bar
10 Pullups
10 Ring Pushups
Climb over the cargo net
10 Box Jumps
3 rounds for time

Eugene 10:35
Charles 10:40
Cris 10:56
Stuart 12:00
Bob 12:05
Jason 12:10
Alyse 13:47

For some reason Jason felt compelled to do Grace today so we loaded up a bar and he did it in a very respectable 3:50 and had his friend Charles do it with him and he finished in 5:55. This was Charles' second day in the gym. Then Cris and I did it but we had to use lighter weights. Cris used 95 and I did 115. Cris got 3:39 and I did 4:46. Not my strong suit.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday October 18, 2007


Run 400
21 Swings (52 lb KB)
12 Pullups

Cris 8:16
Eugene 9:05
Charles 9;20 (44) - first day in the gym
Stuart 9:50
Jack 11:02
Bob 11:10
Alex 11:17 (36) 13 years old
Toni 12:45 (36) - second day in the gym

Cris (Cristobal) runs like a freaking gazelle on crack. Man he is fast. No way I could keep up with that guy. His Air Force buddies warned me that he was fast and that he just runs for fun. Smoked us all.

Set up a pair of 36's, 44's, 52's and a 72 in a line. Did 6 presses with the 36's, moved to the 44's and did 6 push presses, then to the 52's for 6 push jerks. Then finished it off with 3 single push jerks with the 72.

After that we did a variety of swings, flips, and release moves with the kettlebells and then when that was done did 25 snatches each arm with 52's or 44's.

Abs next with some wipers, pull overs, 360 leg circles, knee ups and the like. Great workout.

Wednesday October 17, 2007

Four new folks showed up today - Toni, Shirley, Matt and Anastacia and I took them through some basic KB movements and even had them flipping the bells and doing snatches. While we did that Jack, Stuart and Dustin did some ME work with squats, deadlifts and the press. Getting busy all of a sudden.

Tuesday October 16, 2007

Steaming Entrails
50 Jumping Pullups
40 Parallette Hip Ups (facing up)
30 Situps
20 GHD Wallball
10 Knees to Elbows

50 Jumping Dips
40 2-hand KB Swings (44)
30 Hollow Rock
20 Ab Roller
10 DB situp press (25)

50 Double Unders
40 Parallette Hip Ups (facing down)
20 Back Extension
10 Leg Shooters on Ball

Blast through once for Time

Eugene 22:33
Stuart 24:34
Jack 27:28

Monday, October 15, 2007

Monday October 15, 2007

Sweater of Discomfort (Backwards)

As written it is 500 row 50 push press and then downhill with both from there. Today we went 100 row and 50 push press and went up with one and down with the other. Slightly faster times this way. The push press was with 75 lbs.

100 row 50 push press
200 row 40 push press
300 row 30 push press
400 row 20 push press
500 row 10 push press

Jason (new guy, AF working toward para rescue qualification) beat me with 14:21 and I did 14:43 although that time is not completely accurate. We had 4 people and 2 rowing machines and we were getting in each other's way a lot. We tried to subtract our stand around time but that was not particularly consistent. Alyse went 12 something and was push pressing a pair of 25 lb dumbbells. Bob and Jack were both 16 something.

Then we drug out some KB's. I used 53's and Jason, Jack and Bob used 44's. We did:

2-hand press x 6
Alt. press x 6
Clean and Jerk x 6
Push Jerk x 10, 8, 6
Snatch x 10, 8, 6

72, 61, 52, 44 in a line. Clean and Jerk with each hand for 2, 4, 6, 8 reps.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Shirts are in

T-shirts, muscle shirts, tank tops and sweatshirts with 4 different sayings on the back or no saying at all: Go Hard - Get Fit, If You Go Fast Enough It Only Hurst for a Little While, Come Get Some and Taking the Routine out of Exercise.

Sunday October, 14, 2007

Tire Run to mailbox (50 yards) run back
Hammer hit to tire
Tire flip and jump through
Time at each station based on how quickly the tire pullers go

Tabata Squats and Tabata Pullups
Cris 23 6
Alexis 20 0
Emily 14 0
Eugene 18 11
Stuart 15 8
Dustin 16 4
Alyse 20 7
Jason 15 4

5 each hand - KB squat clean thruster, snatch, swing flip to other hand and repeat
5 each hand - Flip and dip
10 Pushups
10 Tire jumps
2 rounds

Ab work

Saturday October 13, 2007

Net - Ladder - Rope

SPUDS - Swinging Pushups and Dips
DROOL - Dumbbells, Rocks and Odd Object Lifts

Steel log, heavy bag, 60 lb ball, DL and Box Jump, Push Press 95, Ring Dips, Pullups, KB Clean and Jerk 52 lbs x 2 - 3 rounds

KB Waiters walk to mail box (50 yards or so) switch hands and another 50 yards, DARC walking swing, walking press, two hand flip and walk to end. Return with around the body pass and lunge step pass through the forward leg, walking press, DARC walking swing and waiter's walk with each hand.

Dustin, Cris, Jason, Emily, Alexix, Stuart, Bob and me.

Friday October 12, 2007

Mae West x 3 rounds
KB Work

Stuart, Bob, Dustin, Jason, Cris, Bob Jack and me

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wednesday October 11, 2007


Eugene 14:43

Stuart whooped me. Unusual in that this was a Metcon and I'm usually better at those. There was just enough of a strength requirement here for him to outdo me there since he is stronger and he is without a doubt getting MUCH better at his cardio.

Jack did Day of Tomorrow:

5 Back Squats 165
10 Ring Dips
5 Burpee Pullups
10 2-Hand Swings 61
5 Clean and Jerk 115

Jack has great squat form and moves the 165 comfortably. Struggles with the ring dips and clean and jerk. No problems with the burpee pullups or swings. Big cardio improvement already.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tuesday October 9, 2007


Row 250
5 2-hand Squat Clean/Thruster
10 Push Press
20 Alternating Anchored Snatch
10 Burpee Tire Jump through
3 rounds for time
36 lb Kettlebells

Sutart 14:32
Jack 18:15

Monday October 8, 2007

Le Grand Century

Stuart 24:54
Alyse 23:09
Alex 38:43

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Saturday October 7, 2007

Le Grand Century

Row 250
25 Swings (44)
25 Hammer Hits to tire (10)
25 Pullups
25 Push Press (75)

4 rounds for time

Eugene 23:31
Bob 27:01

Friday October 5, 2007

Lil Evil

10 Romanian DL
10 Hang Power Clean
10 Push Press
10 Front Squat
5 Rounds for time

75 lb bar

Lance 12:27
Alyse 6:22 (45 lb)
Stuart 7:01

Thursday October 4, 2007

Glen's Dream

Stuart 16:30
Scott 18:45

Wednesday October 3, 2007

Glen Carpenter is a fellow SWAT Team member and a high order, hard charging, PNW Muay Thai Cruiser weight champion fighter who taught at the state academy, is a firearms and DT instructor and an assistant TL on our team. Uber cop. Anyway we did the following workout the other day and by some weird alignment of the stars I beat him. Glen is certain this is an anomoly and that when we do it again he will beat me. "I'll just row faster" was his basic plan. He decided to name the workout:

Glen's Dream

Row 500
Push Press 95 x 10
DL + BJ (DL followed by a box jump for each rep to 30" box) 190 lbs
Ring pushups x 10
Air Squats x 20

Eugene 15:31
Glen 16:05
Lance 17:53
Bob 21:08

Tuesday October 2, 2007

Jack, Lance and me and a 36 lb KB

1 hand swing - below waist, chin, over head x 10 ea hand
Tactical lunge x 10
ATB pass and UC Pass x 20
Swing then power snatch with jump, flip to change hands, 5 each hand
Aligator walk with two 36 lb KBs
Seated: C & J, press, alt press, anchored press, C & J with two hands 10 each
Snatch/Thruster/Swing flip to other hand x 10
Flip and Dip x 10
Snatch catch/throw to other hand x 10 each hand
2-hand Jerk x 25
Snatch x 50 each hand

Clean and Jerk 72, 61, 52, 44 for 2, 4, 6, 8 reps first right then left, then reverse sequence

Monday, October 01, 2007

Monday October 1, 2007

Rude Awakening

20 Snatches (44) 10 left/10 right
20 2-hand swings (44)
20 Clean and Jerk (44) 10 left/10 right

10 Barbell Snatches (75)
10 Push Press (95)
10 Clean and Jerk (115)

5 Back Squat (Bodyweight)
5 Deadlifts (Bodyweight x 1.5)
5 Bench Press (Bodyweight + 15 lbs)

2 rounds

Stuart, Lance, Bob, Dayna, Alyse, Eugene, Jack

Sunday September 30, 2007

Artificial Limp

Back Squat (135)
Box Jump
Row (Calories)
Box Jump
Deadlift (190)
Box Jump
DB Thrusters (35)
Box Jump
Wall Ball (20)
Box Jump

Rounds of 12-10-8

Bob, Stuart, Lance and Alex
Stuart used 185 in the squat and 225 for the Deadlift

Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday September 28, 2007

Air Assault

Jump Rope 100
Pullups 10
Ring Dips 10

Row 200
KB Swing 20 (52)
Ball Slams 20 (30)

Run 400
Air Squats 40
Sit ups 40

3 Rounds for Time

Eugene 29:17
Sutart 31:00
Lance 31:46
Dayna 37:05
Jack 35:52
Bob 36:29
Alyse 42:09

Thursday September 27, 2007

Day off Tomorrow

5 Box Squats (135)
10 Ring Dips
5 Burpee Pullups
10 KB Swings (61)
5 Clean and Jerk (115)
5 Rounds (no time today)

Eugene, Bob, Jack and Lance
Stuart did it after we were done with 185 for the squat and 135 for the C & J in less than 20 minutes.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wednesday September 26, 2007

Stuart did the Cloak of Despair in 36:47

In honor of my upcoming Birthday Pullup Challenge, Lance and I did 200 pullups. We started with as many as we could do and I had enough at 40. It was killing my hands. Lance went to 25. From there we did commando pullups, fingertips of one hand in Eagle Loops, ladders, 2 at a time for 20 sets, rock grip pullups, ballistic pullups...all kinds of pullups. Really works the hands.

Tuesday September 25, 2007

2-Hand Swing/low-med-high x 10
2-Hand Swing/Flip x 15
2-Hand High Pull Snatch x 20
1 Swing, 1 Swing Flip, 1 HP Snatch x 10

1-Hand Swing Flip alternating x 10
1-Hand Helicopter alternating x 10
1-Hand Snatch/Catch throw to other hand x 10
1 of each with one hand alternationg x 10

TGU 3 reps each hand
Clean and Press alternating x 10
Snatch x 10 each hand
TGU - 2 presses - 2 snatches x 2 each hand

Clean and Jerk alternating x 10
Dead Hang Snatch alternating x 10
Thruster and swing to switch hands x 10 total
Clean and Jerk, DH Snatch Thruster swing to switch hands x 10

Lance, Jack, JD, Bob and me
Took about an hour

Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday September 24, 2007

Cloak of Despair

The original design for this workout was 500 meter rows and 400 meter runs but that was a bit quick and easy so it is now twice that:

Row 1000/Run 800 (Alternate each set)
25 Push Press (75)
25 Pullups
25 Ring Pushups
4 Rounds for Time

Eugene 33:37
Alyse 39:23
Scott 41z;33
Bob 48:50
Jack 52:35

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Saturday September 22, 2007

ME Day


Eugene/Lance - Stuart
135 x 10 - 160 x 10
190 x 10 - 220 x 10
220 x 5 - 260 x 5
235 x 8 - 275 x 6
255 x 6 - 300 x 6
275 x 4 - 325 x 4


Eugene/Lance - Stuart

75 x 8 - 90 x 8
95 x 4 - 110 x 4
105 x 4 x 2 - 120 x 4 x 2

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Friday September 21, 2007

Swings (44 lb KB)
2-hand with flip one swing, one flip x 10 each
1-hand walking DARC swing20 steps
1-hand helicopter spin x 10
Swing, swing clean press, dead hang clean, push press x 10
Swing, flip and catch, dead hang high pull snatch with both hands x 10
Clean/press, push press x 2, push jerk x 3 alternate for 5 each hand
Swing/swing clean - push press/dead hang clean push jerk x 5 each hand alternating
Dead snatch alternate x 5
Alternating press x 5 each hand
Anchored press (top) x 5 each hand
KB juggling a la Jeff Martone

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday September 20, 2007

Run 25 yards 10 Air Squats run back
10 Power Cleans (115) Run 50 yards
10 HSPU - 2 Burpee Pullovers
Run 50 - KB Swing, C & J, Snatch 5 ea hand (44)
Jump rope 100 - 20 Pullups
run 50 - Rage box x 6 (40lb ball)
3 Rounds for Time

Eugene 24:05
Stuart 29:43
Jack 41:40

Wednesday September 19, 2007

Just Shoot Me

Run 400
The Bear 5, 4, 3, 2 (95)
3 Weighted Pullups
5 Dead Hang Pullups
7 Kipping Pullups
3 Press (95)
5 Push Press
7 Push Jerk
4 Rounds for Time

Lance 28:20
Dayna 24:40
Bob 37:26
Jack 39:50

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tuesday September 18, 2007

The Big Dripper

Row 250
5 Deadlifts (230)/Box Jump (Deadlift then Box Jump each set)
10 Barbell Thrusters (95 lbs)
15 Burpee Pullups
20 Air Squats
25 Push Press (75)
50 KB Snatches (36 lbs) 25 right 25 left
100 Rope Jumps
Two Rounds for Time

Stuart 21:07
Alyse 21:42
Lance 23:25

Monday September 17, 2007


5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
Max rounds in 20 minutes

Stuart 17 rounds
Plus 5 pushups, 10 pushups
Note - Stuart did ring pushups

Sunday September 16, 2007


KB Thrusters (35)
Ring Dips
KB Swings (52)

Alyse 8:07 (20) (Green Band)
Jennifer 9:51 (20) (Green Band)
Lance 9:53
Alex 10:24 (15) (Green Band)

10-8-6 Reps of
Knees to Elbows with twist
Sit-up on board with stand and overhead throw
Dynamax pass hand to foot and back
20-18-16 Reps of
Weighted twist in bent knee V-sit

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday September 14, 2007

Barbell Snatch (65) x 10 alt with
40 ball squat clean and slam

Weighted pullups alt with
HSPU 5 x 5

Sit up and stand with sit up board + ball throw to trampoline 10-8-6

Tire situps with 6 lb Dynamax throw to partner on box x 20

Barbell body twist with press (95) x 10

Dragon Flag x 5

Trapeze Bar pullovers alternating x 10

Thursday September 13, 2007

Box Jump
Ring Dips

Dayna 6:20 (135)
Lance 6:54 (135)
Stuart 7:43 (185)

Wednesday September 12, 2007

20 Snatches R (36)
Waiters Walk 50 yards
20 Snatches L
Waiters Walk 50 yards
Around the Body Pass/Uppercut Pass x 10
Clean Catch/Throw to opposite hand/Repeat x 10
Snatch catch/Lower, throw to opposite hand/Repeat x 10
2-hand Swing/Flip alternating left and right x 10 total
Swing - Helicopter spin x 10 total
Dead hang power snatch with stomp/switch each rep
5 KBs out moving heavy to light on the first pass, light to heavy on the second
88 - 72 - 61 - 52 - 44
We did reps of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then reversed that

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tuesday September 11, 2007


5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

Eugene 21 plus 5 pullups and 5 pushups
Lance 18 plus 5 pullups, 10 pushups and 5 squats
Alyse 17
Dayna 19

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Monday September 10, 2007

Kayaked the Tieton today (pronounced Titan) out toward Yakima. Kind of a Wenatchee River run but not quite so big. Not rocky like lots of western Washington rivers but bank to bank water with few eddy out opportunities, warm water and generally few consequences...well, except for the near death experience with the log. Ara brought his wife's cousin Ryan along and he is fairly new to boating. Denny was with us too and we three ran herd over Ryan keeping him safe which is what I was doing when I screamed "LOG" and paddled hard right to give him some space to do the same. He didn't react quite fast enough and thought he could go over the log. Couldn't. Nose up, stern down and he gets slammed backwards into the river flow. Thankfully the water was only knee deep and his boat got stuck, he bailed and managed to stand there braced against the log. He let the boat go and it went down the river with Denny trying to corral it. Ara got out of his boat and ran upstream. I was out of my boat and I see him go by in a raft with a raft group that picked him up. I get back in my boat and eddy out and after a bit see Ara who is worried about Ryan but I told him he was in a raft. Later still we catch up to Ryan and Denny and find out that the rafters pulled Ryan's kayak into the raft, loaded him back into it and then launched him back into the river. How cool is that. Great, great day on the river and we have all put this river on our favorites list. Oh, no warm up. When you launch you get hammered right away with some very turbulent waves that made me think I had forgotten how to kayak. It's only a class 2/3 river but it does keep you busy.

Later back at the gym:

Boy Named Sue (Tim McFarland)

Push Press (95)
Squat Jump
One on the first minutes, two on the second and so on for 20 minutes.

Sounds pretty easy. Decided to make the squat jump a squat jump up onto a tractor tire. That proved to be a mistake. We all got to about 10 or 12 and decided to cut out the squat but by that time we could hardly jump on the tire any more. We managed to get to 17 rounds or so in the 20 minutes but nobody completed it. Next time we will do the squat jumps as prescribed by Tim in the first place.

Eugene, Stuart, Alyse, Lance, Jennifer

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Friday September 7, 2007


Run 400
21 Swings (52)
12 Pullups
3 rounds for time

Eugene 9:10
Stuart 9:36
Chandra 10:37 (44) (grn band)
Lance 10:51
Jennifer 12:50 (44) (grn band)
Alyse 13:44 (44) (grn band)
Dayna 13:44 (44) (grn band)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thursday September 6, 2007


5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Push Press
5 Front Squats
95 lbs on the bar moving from one exercise to the next without pause

20 2-hand Swings (52)

10 Back Squats (135)
10 Landmine Push Jerk

20 Pullups

Four stations, no time limit or running clock. Just rotate as you finish making your reps as complete, and perfect as you can. The rep set up is so that with multiple people there is a minimal amount of down time between rotations.

Wednesday September 5, 2007

Evil (Modified a bit)
Ian Carver's invention is:

10 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Push Press
10 Front Squats

Brilliant. A very well selected series of exercises that allows you to move from one to the next with a very seamless transition. He used 95 lbs and 5 rounds which would have made this quite a muscular demand. I wanted a lung demand so we used 75 lbs and and did:

Got Air?

10 RDL
10 HPC
10 PP
10 FS
10 Pullups
Run 400
3 rounds for time

Eugene 11:05
Stuart 12:02
Lance 12:56
Dayna 14:40
Jennifer 17:40

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tuesday September 4, 2007


Band Sprints to Cone
100 lb log clean + 2 presses
Sledgehammer hits to big tire
Tire flips
Weighted tire drag (truck tire with 88 lbs inside)
Rage box (Burpee to 40 lb slam ball, squat clean, thruster, slam, box jump)

1 minute work time
10 seconds to change stations (the Ross Boxing clock works great for this)
1 minute off after 6 stations
3 rounds for max reps

Ab work:

V-sit ball pass hands to feet (4 or 6 lb Dynamax ball) 10-8-6
Twisted knees to elbows (knees to elbows but twist sideways right knee to left elbow and vice versa) 6 reps each set
Hanging leg circles (similar to windshield wipers but 360 degrees around the clock face from 6 o'clock to 6 o'clock clockwise then the same ccw) 6 reps each set.
15 lb plate bent knee v-sit twists 20 reps
3 rounds

Eugene, Stuart, Dayna, Alyse, Lance, Jennifer, Alex

Monday, September 03, 2007

Monday September 3, 2007


Run 400
25 Air Squats
20 Jumping Pullups
15 KB Swings (44)
10 Situps

Row 500
10 Air Squats
15 Jumping Pullups
20 KB Swings
25 Situps

Run 400
20 Air Squats
10 Jumping Pullups
25 KB Swings
15 Situps

Row 500
15 Air Squats
25 Jumping Pullups
10 KB Swings
20 Situps

Lance 21:38
Alex 24:05
Chandra 24:31
Jennifer 24:36

Stuart 19:12
Scott 21:20

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Saturday September 1, 2007

Cloak of Despair

Run 800/Row 1000 (Alternate each set)
25 Push Press (75)
25 Pullups
25 Ring Pushups

4 Rounds for Time

Lance 45:58
Alex 53:51
Jenifer 54:27
PM Workout for Stuart and Me
ME DL and Press
Stuart got to 325 and 125
Eugene got to 275 and 110

Friday August 31, 2007

20 Pieces of Angie (SWAT Day)

5 Pullups
5 Pushups
5 Situps
5 Squats
20 Rounds for Time

Chris 11:23
Frank 11:55
Eugene 12:21
Tom 12:55
Glen 13:35
Mark 13:35
Brian 15:32
Kevin 15:35
Jim 17:30
Byron 17:45

Stuart 12:45
Dayna 16:12
Alyse 16:12
Scott 20:13

Sweater of Discomfort

Row 500 Push Press 50
Row 400 Push Press 40
Row 300 Push Press 30
Row 200 Push Press 20
Row 100 Push Press 10

Alex 17:10
Lance 18:20

Thursday August 30, 2007

20 Pieces of Angie

5 Pullups
5 Pushups
5 Situps
5 Squats
20 Rounds for Time

Bob 24:27
Lance 18:16
Alex 20:36

Wednesday August 29, 2007

DB Burpee
Left T-pushup (Do a pushup then high pull the DB overhead turning sideways to make a T)
Right T-pushup
Renegade row left and right
Squat Clean
Push Jerk x 3
Walking lunge with press from the lunge position x 6
Sprint 100 yards
5 Rounds for time

Alyse 9:03
Lance 9:55
Bob 9:55
Jennifer 10:09

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tuesday August 28, 2007

Boxing timer set to buzz at 30 second intervals for 3 minutes with a one minute rest between rounds. There are 6 exercises in each 3 minute round with exercises changing every 30 seconds.

Round 1
Boxer's shuffle
Air Squat
KB Snatch left (36)
KB Snatch right

Round 2
Dynamax V-sit passing ball hands to feet
2-hand KB Swing (36 - 44)
Air squat snatch
Alternating KB press (36-44)
Jumping Pullups
Ball squat cleans

Round 3
Single KB clean and jerk (52)
Walking Lunges
Burpee Pullups
KB snatch left
KB snatch right
Jumping Dips

Run 400 and then repeat a second time

Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday August 27, 2007

Run 400
Sit up
1, 2, 3....10
Run 400

Run, one rep of each exercise, then two, then three and so on finishing with the run

Eug 11:53
Lance 14:14
Brian 14:18
Jennifer 16:21

Sunday August 26, 2007


Clean and Press
6 reps with 36
4 reps with 44
2 reps with 52
12 Ring Dips
8 PUllups
Run 400

Two rounds

Bob, Stuart, Alyse and me

Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday August 24, 2007

Me Love You Long Time (Epic)

Run 1/4 mile
50 KB Snatches (44)
50 D-Ball Slams (25)
50 Calories Rowing

Run 1/2 mile
40 KB Swings (44)
40 Pullups
40 Push Press (75)

Run 3/4 mile
30 Ring Pushups
30 Hang Power Cleans (95)
30 Wall Ball (20)

Run 1 mile
20 DB Thrusters (35)
20 Sand Bag Clean and Jerks (35-40)
30 2-hand KB Push Press (44)

Eugene 54:09
Stuart 54:55
Dayna 1:03:09
Alyse 1:05:12
Bob 1:05:20

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday August 23, 2007

Burgener Warm Up

10 OHS with 10 lb stick
8 Power Snatch (65)
6 Press (85)
4 Push Press (95)
3 Clean and Jerk (115)
2 Burpee Deadlift/Box Jump (225)
1 Burpee Pullover
3 Rounds

Eugene, Bob, Jennifer, Lance, Alyse

Wednesday August 22, 2007

5 and Dime

Lance 18:06

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Monday August 20, 2007

Five and Dime

5 Clean and Jerk 115
10 Pullups
5 Burpee Box Jumps
10 KB Swings (52)
5 Ring Dips

5 Rounds for Time

Stuart 13:42
Dayna 17:55
Alyse 18:25
Jennifer 21:20

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Saturday August 19, 2007

Got Burpee

SDLHP (75)
Push Jerk (75)
Ring Pushups

The first 4 exercises descend 10, 9, 8...1 but the burpee goes the other way 1, 2, 3...10

Eugene 18:28
Stuart 21:54
Dayna 23:53
Alyse 24:28
Lance 25:14
Jennifer 29:42

Saturday August 18, 2007

The 400 (-100)

Stuart 18:29
Dayna 18:57

Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday August 17, 2007

SWAT Training

The 400 (modified down to 300)

Row (Calories)
Wall Ball (20)
KB Swings (52)
KB Snatch (44)
Box Jumps
Ring Dips
Ball Slams (30)
Push Press (75)

First round 20 reps each
Second round 10 reps each

Frank 16:16
JD 17:06
Erik 17:39
Chris 17:39
Eugene 18:30
Tom 19:24 (had to wait for the rower)
Mark 20:00
Glen 20:52
Kevin 21:12
Brian 22:00 (new hire deputy)

Later in the day Ryan 22:10

Thursday August 16, 2007

Air Assault

Ryan 22:44

Wednesday August 15, 2007

Air Assault

100 Rope Jumps
10 Pullups
10 Ring Dips
200 m Row
20 KB Swings (52)
20 Ball Slams (30)
400 m Run
40 Air Squats
40 Sit ups

3 rounds for time

Eugene 28:39
Stuart 33:30
Dayna 34:44

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sunday August 12, 2007

Party with the Girls

The idea here was to give each of the girls a chance and sample just a bit of their wares.

Angie - 20 each pullups, pushups, situps, squats
Grace - 30 cleand and jerks with 75 lbs
Helen - Run 400, 21 swings with a 52 lb KB, 12 pullups (1 round)
Karen - 25 wall ball shots
Fran - 21 Thrusters (75) 21 Ring Dips
Elizabeth - Run 400 21 Squat Cleans (75) 21 Ring Dips

Dayna 21:20 (green band)
Eugene 22:48
Stuart 24:43
Brian 25:00

Saturday August 11, 2007

Week 6 day 2 for DL/Press Program

Eugene to 270/100
Stuart to 315/120

Friday August 10, 2007

SWAT Training Day

Day Off Tomorrow (modified)

5 Box Jumps (135 plus chains)
10 Ring Dips
5 Burpee Pullovers
10 KB Swings (72)
5 Clean and Jerk (115)
10 Pullups

Eugene, Tom, Frank, JD, Glen

Thursday August 9, 2007

Just Shoot Me

Run 400
The BEAR complex with reps of 5-4-3-2
(Squat Clean - Press - Back Squat - Push Press - Thruster)
3 Weighted Pullups (12 lbs)
5 Dead Hang Pullups
7 Kipping Pullups
3 Press (85)
5 Push Press
7 Push Jerk

3 Rounds for Time

Lance 21:15

Wednesday August 8, 2007

Eugene Ryan Lance Stuart Alyse Dayna

Row 35 33 32 30 27 26 43 35 30 26 37 32
P. Press 51 43 30 48 37 28 60 42 45 36 55 50
Squat 63 67 47 48 61 61 66 57 68 63 63 66
Ring PU 39 46 50 26 36 33 44 37 40 38 49 45
502 379 400 507 456 497

Two minutes for each exercise for max reps with one minute between exercises repeated for two rounds.

Hard to line the numbers up in this format. The row column's first to entries of 35 and 33 are my calories for rowing. The 32 and 30 are Ryan's scores and so on through the list. The 502 was my score, 379 was Ryan's score and so on. Killer workout.

Tuesday August 7, 2007

Box Squats

135 x 10
135 + chains x 8
135 + chains and band x 6
135 x 12


10, 9, 8...1 Pullups
1, 2, 3...10 Ring Dips
Alternating exercises

Eug 6:34
Ryan 7:50 (green band)
Scott 9:20 (green band)

5 tire flips with jump through for each person, alternating
Run to gate
Hammer hits x 20
Air squats x 20

For the first round we would each jump through the tire on every flip. That took too long. For the second round just the person flipping the tire jumped through.

13 minutes

Monday August 6, 2007


Power Cleans (115)
Ring Dips
Rounds of 21-15-9

Stuart 4:42
Alyse 5:19 (65, green band)
Dayna 5:30 (green band)
Eugene 6:10
Scott 7:45 (green band)
Lance 9:45

Clean and Jerk 115 then pullover on trapeze bar 20 rounds
On the last 5 rounds Stuart and I added 10 situps and 10 pushups and a burpee before the pullover.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday August 5, 2007

ME DL to 270 for me 320 for Stuart
ME Press to 100 for me 120 for Stuart
Alyse went to 165 and 65

Friday August 3, 2007

Day off Tomorrow

5 Box Squats (135 with chains)
10 Ring Dips
5 Burpee Pullups
10 KB Swings (61)
5 Clean and Jerk (115)

19 Minutes
Dayna, Stuart, Alyse

Friday, August 03, 2007

Thursday August 2, 2007

Steaming Entrails

50 Jumping Pullups
40 Parallette Hip Ups (facing up)
30 Situps
20 GHD Wallball
10 Knees to Elbows

50 Jumping Dips
40 2-hand KB Swings (44)
30 Hollow Rock
20 Ab Roller
10 DB situp press (25)

50 Jumping Pullups
40 Parallette Hip Ups (facing down)
20 Back Extension
10 Leg Shooters on Ball

Blast through once for Time

Stuart 24:13
Ryan 27:33

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wednesday August 1, 2007

5 Box Squats (135)
10 Ring Dips
5 Burpee Pullups
10 KB Swings (61)
5 Clean and Push Jerk (111)

5 Rounds (24 minutes)

Eugene, Scott, Bob, Ryan

Tuesday July 31, 2007


Ryan 22:10

Shawl of Discomfort

Row 500 10 Push Press (75)
Row 400 20 Push Press
Row 300 30 Push Press
Row 200 40 Push Press
Row 100 50 Push Press

Stuart 11:40
Dayna 11:50
Eugene 12:19
Scott 13:35

Monday July 30, 2007


Eugene 17:50
Bob 22:21 (35)
Scott 25:00

Sunday July 29, 2007


Run 800
15 DB Thrusters (35)
15 Pullups

3 Rounds for Time

Stuart 18:42
Dayna 23:15 (30, Jumping)
Alyse 25:15 (25, green band - huge pullup improvement)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday July 27, 2007

Ninja's Mile

Run 400
21 KB Swings (52)
21 SDLHP (75)
21 KB Push Press (36)
Run 400
15 KB Snatches (44) 15/15
15 Ring Dips
15 Pullups
Run 400
9 DL + Box Jump (190)
9 Burpee Rage Ball
9 2-Hand KB Clean and Jerk (44)
Run 400

Stuart 19:49
Bob 21:11
Dayna 21:32
Lance 22:38

Thursday July 26, 2007

Jump Rope 2 x 2 minutes
Jab - Cross to pads x 10 then burpee exchange x 5
Jab - Cross - Hook - Cross - Body Hook x 4 R knee R kick L knee L kick x 10
Thai kick L/R 2 each time x 10
Jab - Cross - Hook - R elbow - L elbow - R knee L knee

Row 250 EZ

Row 500 Hard
25 Ring Pushups
x 4

Sit up with 12 lb ball extended overhead to tire
1 hand ab roller
GHD catch with 15 lb ball
6 lb ball pass feet to hands


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday July 25, 2007

Deadlift ME Week 6 workout 1 (of 2)

135 x 10
190 x 10
220 x 5
230 x 8
250 x 6
270 x 4

I was OK to 250 but couldn't pull the 270. Just one at 260 was enough. We did ring pushups between each DL set.

Press ME Week 6 workout 1 (of 2)

75 x 8
90 x 6
100 x 4 x 4

We did 10 pullups between each pressing set.

Eugene, Jennifer, Lance and Bob. Jennifer did a deadlift with 131 which was a PR for her and she did it four times rather easily.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tuesday July 24, 2007

Sandbag run to Jennifer's house...about 200 yards

5 Burpee Squat Clean Press
10 Clean-Clean-Squat
10 Thusters
10 Pushups with bag on shoulders
10 Situps
10 Push Press
1 round with 80 yard run in between each exercise

Hop on one leg 40 yards, switch for 40
Broad Jump for 40 yards walk back to start
Skips back to bag
Run bag back to gym

Clean and Jerk (95)
Run 50 yards
Run 50 yards
Swing (52)
Run 50 yards
Ring pushups
Run 50 yards

Rounds of 10-8-6

Stuart and Eug 8:36
Dayna 9:26
Ryan 10:19
Bob 10:45
Lance 10:50
Scott 11:03


Knees to Elbows
Situp press
Ball sit up to tire
Leg Shooters on ball

Rounds of 10-8-6

Monday July 23, 2007

Warm up

5 Burpee Rage Ball
10 DB Snatch (45) 5/5
15 KB Swings (61)
20 AirSquats

Workout 1

10 Rounds of 1-1-1

Push Press - Push Jerk - Split Jerk

Started with 75 lbs working to as heavy as possible. I managed to get 155 but didn't quite lock out the split jerk, Scott did 165, Lance 135, the girls...somewhat less.

Workout 2

12 Hang Squat Clean
7 Pullups

Max rounds in 20 minutes

Eugene 11, Jennifer 8, Lance 7 +5, Scott 8 +12, Karah 6 + 3, Krystalynne 8, Jaimie 5 + 3


90 degree legs sit up fingers to toes
Leg shooters
Abmat situps
Saxon side bends
Sit up press

Reps of 10-8-6

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sunday July 22, 2007

Le Grand Century

Row 250
25 2-hand swings
25 Hammer hits to large tire
25 Pullups
25 Push Press (75)

4 rounds for time

Eugene 20:45
Dayna 23:10
Stuart 25:14
Alyse 28:33
Lance 37:16

Saturday July 21, 2007

Row 250
10 ring pushups
15 walking overhead lunges (15 lb bar)
20 air squats
25 Abmat situps
30 KB snatches 15/15 (26)

2 rounds for time

Jaimie 13:42

Friday July 20, 2007

Barbell Snatch x 6 (75)
HSPU x 6
The Bear x 3 (95)
Ring Dips x 6
Clean and Jerk (115) x 6
Ring Pushups x 6
DL (230) x 6
Row 250

3 rounds no time

Jennifer, Lance, Jaimie, Karah, Krystallynne, Nicole, Alyse, Dayna and me

Thursday July 19, 2007

The Big Dripper

Row 250
5 DL (230) / Box Jump
10 Barbell Thrusters (95)
15 Burpee Pullups
20 Air Squats
25 Push Press (75)
50 Snatches 25/25 36 lbs
100 Rope Jumps

3 rounds for time

Dayna 22:18
Eugene 22:25
Jaimie 25:00
Alyse 25:30
Alex 25:44
Lance 28:14
Karah 32:10

Wednesday July 18, 2007


20 ea. shovel left and right
20 churning butter
20 ea. back scratchers left and right
20 around the world (that Indian over the shoulder pull to center)
20 ea. single arm punches left and right
20 hammer hits to big tire


20 2-hand swings
20 clean catch hot potato x 3
10 around the body/uppercut pass
10 swing/snatch/squat clean/thruster each arm
20 2-hand swing with releases


20 overhead passes side to side
20 around the back, between the legs upper cut pass front to back hot potato x 5
20 uppercut pass to uppercut pass alternating hands each time
20 full circle uppercut pass
20 snatch from floor/catch/throw to opposite hand
20 hot potato squats


Alternate Ab roller to skateboard rollout with feet
Saxon side bends
Leg shooters on ball
Dumbbell sit up and press
Russian Twist
Back Extensions


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday July 17, 2007

Fight Gone Bad

Group A did the standard weights and a 25" box

Stuart 312
Eugene 311
Ryan 220
Lance 192
Bob 182

Group B did 45 lbs for the SDLHP and Push Press, 12 lbs for wall ball and an 18" box. Krystalynne did a 25 lb DB for the SDLHP and a 20 for the push press.

Alyse 321
Krystalynne (14 yrs) 258
Alex (13 yrs) 243
Jaimie 221
Karah (16 yrs) 195

Monday July 16, 2007

In the morning Alyse and Dayna did Wendy

KB Thrusters
Ball Slams

Alyse 26 lb KBs and a 25 lb ball 5:01
Dayna 36 lb KBs and a 30 lb ball 5:01

In the Afternoon we started with:

Valeo Ball Run

Sand Bag/Ball Lifts

Set up a row of big tires and boxes to jump over and on each side of each box were the following weighted movements:

Colleen and Jerk with 40 lb DB's (3 reps)
Colleen and Jerk with a 30 lb ball (3 reps)
KB Press with a pair of 44's (3 reps)
Ball Slam with a 40 lb ball (3 reps)
1 hand KB Clean + 2 Jerks
Ball thrusters with a 40 lb ball (3 reps)
Ring Pushups (3 reps)
KB Snatch with a 44 lb KB (3 reps)

Lift, jump, lift, lift, jump, lift, lift, jump and so on to the end one after the other in a conga line for 3 rounds. Everyone commented that they liked the workout and that it seemed to tax every part of them.

Sunday July 15, 2007

Jump Rope
GHD Back Extensions/Situps
Bag Work
Air Squat/Box Jump

1 minute each station for one time through

Bar None not on the clock

2 Hand DB Thrusters (25)
2 Hand DB Renegade Row (25)
2 Hand Colleen Burps and Jerks (25) (Worst one of the bunch by far)

Run to Jennifer's house with 36 lb KB

Snatch 10/10
Clean and Jerk 10/10
Swing 10/10

Run back to gym with KB

2 rounds

Jennifer, Alex, Lance, Jaimie, Karah, Eugene and Jaimie's friend Keenan...did a great job hanging wiht me the whole way.

Saturday July 14, 2007

Row 500 EZ
Row 4 x 250 Hard 1 minute rest between pieces
Tabata 1000
Row 500 EZ

Push Press 2 x 44 x 10
Single KB Clean and Jerk 72, 52, 44 for reps of 4, 6, 8
Single KB Clean 88, 61, 52 for reps of 2, 4, 6

Friday July 13, 2007

ME DL and Press
Ab work


Have to be careful of Lance's and Marotha's back.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thursday July 12, 2007

Walking Lunges across street and back (approx. 60 meters total)
25 KB swings (52)
50 1 hand DB Jerk (40) 25 reps each hand
Run uphill to gate (200 meters or so)
25 pullups
50 Situps
Run to Jennifer's house (400 meters)
25 Ring pushups
50 KB snatches (44)
Run to gate again

Once through for time

Eugene 14:55
Krystalynne 16:05 (1 arm lat pulls on C2 Dyno for pullups, C2 bench for pushups)
Dayna 16:49
Jaimie 16:55
Stuart 17:26
Karah 18:45
Scott 21:30
Alyse 22:00
Marotha 24:09

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday July 10, 2007

Dayna 16:23 for the Saturday workout

Run uphill to grate (200)
GHD/Tire situps
DARC swings (10-8-6 ea hand)
Janda Situps
Leg Shooters/throws

Krystal 7:53
Stuart 7:56
Scott 9:55
Jaimie 10:343
Karah 10:34

Krystalynn is 14 and a swimmer...breaststroke. Not very strong yet but an aerobic engine that won't quit. Unbalanced musculature in that her pull muscles are very well developed but her push muscles are lacking thus she pulled a pec muscle doing pushups which keeps her from using her right arm. Outstanding shoulder and hip flexibility and the most beautiful OHS on the first try you have ever seen. Huge CF potential.

Monday July 9, 2007

Run 400
Air Squats
Barbell Snatch (65) (35) (10)
Ring Pushups

Eugene 13:55
Krystal 14:29
Stuart 15:49
Alyse 17:39
Dayna 18:00
Bob 18:32
Scott 18:55
Jaimie 20:00

Because of Krystalynne's arm injury she did a 17 lb KB snatch, bent over row with a 26 lb KB for the pullups and floor press with a 26 lb KB for the pushups.

Saturday July 7, 2007

Row 500
Push Press (75) (45)
Hang Power Clean (95) (65)
Ring Pushups

Eugene 14:30
Alex 20:24
Marotha 30:30

Knees to Elbows
DB situp press
Ab Roller
Hollow Rock

Eugene 8:30
Alex 12:12

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Friday July 6, 2007

Max Effort Press and DL program

100 rope jumps
25 Push Press
25 Swings (44)
25 Air Squats
3 rounds for time

Eugene 10:35
Bob 13:08
Alyse 13;47
lANCE 145:05
rYAN 14;10
Alex 20:50

Thursday July 5, 2007

KB OH Walk to Mailbox (70 yards) carrying Dynamax ball under the other arm
25 air squats to ball
Switch hands for 70 yards more
Hop over ball burpees x 10
Switch again for 70 more yards to Jennifer's driveway
One hand Swing-Snatch-Squat Clean-Thruster x 10
Switch hands again for 70 yard walk
2-hand swings, snatch L-R, Air Squats 10-8-6
Run ball 70 yards to mail box - 10 squats, 10 pushups
Run back to KB 5 flip and dip run bell 70 yards to mailbox
One person takes both bells overhead 70 yards to start
The other takes both balls overhead to start
Switch and return to mailbox
Run ball to start - 10 squats, 10 pushups
Retreive KB and run back to start
Non-dominant hand overhead for walk back into gym

Scott, Lance, Jennifer, Alex, Stuart, Marotha

Wednesday July 4, 2007

Same as yesterday

Jennifer, Alex, Lance, Stuart, Dayna, Alyse
Scott, Marotha

Tuesday July 3, 2007

Ball Cleans
Ball Clean and Jerk
Bar Cleans
Bar Clean and Jerk
The Bear
KB Swing variations
Bear Walk
Alligator Walk
Ab work

Jaimie, Krystalyn, Karah, Scott, Alex, Lance, Jennifer

Monday July 2, 2007

Out on sidewalk facing the street:

Snatch (25) single dumbbell alternating (10-8-6)
Clean and Jerk (25) single dumbbell alternating (10-8-6)
5 pushups and Bear Walk across street 5 more pushps
Air Squats (20-16-12)
5 pushups and Bear Walk across street
Next set of dumbbell exercises

Eugene 7:21
Dayna 7:53
Stuart 8:01
Alyse 8:39
Scott 8:46
Jaimie 10:00
Karah 10:05
Krystalynn (hurt pec with pushups)
Marotha (10:00)
Jennifer 10:01
Lance 8:52
Alex (6:28)


Jennifer 13:19
Alex 13:47
Lance 14:15
Krystalynn 11:34 (run, squats, box jumps)
Karah 17:30
Jaimie 18:30

Sunday July 1, 2007

Run 400
Air Squats x 25
Hammer Hits x 20
Tire Jumps x 15
Ball Roll Pushups x 10
3 rounds for time

Eugene 13:45
Alex 14:07
Lance 15:09
Karah 16:45
Jaimie 18:12
Jennifer 18:40

Saturday June 30, 2007

Ring Pushups
Jumping Pullups
4 x 25
Stuart 11:22

Tire Drag Run
Tire Pull Return
Ball Cleans, Clean and Jerk
Ball Slams
Partner Ball Thruster Jump
Lateral Tire Burpee Hops
Team Tire Flips
Situp and Press
Hollow Rock

Jaimie, Krystalynn, Karah

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Friday June 29, 2007

Burgener Warmup
OHS and dislocates
Odd Object Cleans
Halo - Partial Halo
Around the body pass and Uppercut Pass
Swings and swing flips
Lateral Hop Burpees through tire
Rage Box Throws
Skin the Cat

Janda situps - Flip and Dip
Hollow Rock - DARC swings, walking DARC swings, WDS with flip
Situp Press - Clean- Catch - Thruster
Saxon Side Bends - Swing Clean Snatch
Russian Twist - TGU
Pilates Ball Shooters - Heavy clean and jerk ladder

Stuart, Marotha, Lance, Alex, Ryan and me

Thursday June 28, 2007

Max Effort DL and Press for me

Jumping Pullups
Ring Pushups

4 x 25

Dayna 12:02
Alyse 13:03

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wednesday June 27, 2007

Row 1000, Run 400 as a warm up
Ball Squat Cleans - working on the bottom of the squat
Net - Ladder - Rope
KB swings and squat work
Clean catch and snatch catch
Tabata Squats

Eugene 17
Jennifer 14
Lance 13
Alex 14
Jaimie 12
Pasha 0 (had to rest for one of the rounds)

Jumping Pullups
Ring Pushups

Eugene 10:58 (4 x 25 44 lb KB)
Jennifer 13:16 (4 x 25 35 lb KB knees)
Lance 18:41 (4 x 25 35 lb KB)
Alex 13:23 (4 x 20 26 lb KB)
Jaimie 15:00 (2 x 15 26 lb KB knees)

Tuesday June 26, 2007

Same general KB work with lots of swings, squates and basic movements

Mae West with no time - 7 people, 8 stations

Monday June 25, 2007

KB Halo/Partial Halo
Around the body pass and uppercut pass
1 hand swings - waist, chest, overhead
Bottoms up press 2 x 5
2 hand KB press 2 x 10
Snatch 2 x 10
Get up sit up

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday June 24, 2007

Just Stuart for the ME DL and Press workout
I was too tired from yesters double KB workout

DL from 180 to 315
Press from 90 to 120

Saturday June 23, 2007

AM with Lance, Alex, Jennifer

Net-Ladder-Rope to warm up
KB Halo x 10 L, x 10 R
Partial Halo x 10
Standing KB Pullover x 10
Renegade Row x 5
Around the body pass
Add between and around legs pass
Add uppercut pass

1 and 2 hand variations
Release and catch
Walking DARC swings
Low-Middile-High swings x 10

Standard clean with arc
Straight pull
Clean Catch
Add thruster
Repeat entire series with the snatch

PM workout with Stuart and Dayna
Same workout as in the morning
Add heavy cleans and more reps
72-52-44 Clean for reps of 4, 6, 8
61-52-44 Push press for reps of 4, 6, 8
Walking DARC swing with flip

Thursday June 21, 2007

Row (Calories)
Push Press (75) (45)
Ring Pushups
Box Jump
Wall Ball (20) (12)

Eugene 9:15
Alex 11:45
Jennifer 12:43
Lance 14:16

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Shawl of Discomfort

Row Push Press
500 10
400 20
300 30
200 40
100 50

Eugene 14:47
Stuart 13:19
Dayna 14:54

Monday June 18, 2007

15 Double Unders
15 Box Jumps
15 Burpees
15 Foot Rope Climb

Max rounds in 20 minutes

Stuart 4 + 15 DU
Dayna 4
Alyse 3 3/4

Friday June 15, 2007

DL ME Program, same as June 11

No press program today, my right shoulder hurt under load.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Thursday June 14, 2007

Rage Against the Machine

Row 1000, 750, 500, 250
Push Press (75)
Hollow Rock
Bench Press (115)
Reps of 25, 20, 15, 10

Eugene 29:28
Stuart 37:44

Wednesday June 13, 2007

Air Assault

Jump Rope 100 turns
10 Pullups
10 Ring Dips
Row 200
20 KB Swings (52)
20 Ball Slams (30)
Run 400
40 Air Squats
40 Situps

3 Rounds for Time

Eugene 30:06
Stuart 36:16

Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday June 11, 2007

DL Program

Stuart who has a 400 lb DL max

180 x 10
220 x 10
255 x 10
280 x 8
310 x 6

Mine is 300

135 x 10
165 x 10
180 x 10
210 x 8
230 x 6 and I threw in
260 x 2

Jennifer started at 75 and went up in small increments to 105

Then on to the press

Stuart 90 x 8, 105 x 4, 110 x 115 x 4 x 3
Eugene 75 x 8, 90 x 4, 100 x 4 x 3 (I used the log)
Jennifer 50 lbs for all the sets

Friday June 8, 2007

SWAT Training - Ya Gotta Tabata

Eug 16 18 12 11 57
Glen 15 13 13 16 51
Tom 17 17 12 11 56
Kevin 15 10 12 11 48
Erik 15 15 14 10 54
Jim 12 10 8 8 38
Frank 18 17 17 10 62
Phil 16 9 16 8 49

Thursday June 7, 2007

Row 5000 in pieces
Ab Work
Tire Flip and Jump
KB lifts

Ya Gatta Tabata

Air Squat
Push Press (45 lb barbell)
KB Snatch (35)

4 minutes between efforts

Stuart 14, 17, 6, 9 = 46

Tuesday June 5, 2007

Valeo Ball Run and bounce
Burpee, pullup, rollup (knees to elbows)

DL program week 2 plus 10 pullups after each DL
Press Program week 2 plus 10 ring pushups after each press

GHD Wallball 4 sets of 10 continuous

HSPU 10-8-6-4
Swings 20-16-12-8

Monday, June 04, 2007

Monday June 4, 2007

Double Ugly (From Connie Morreale who calls it House of Ugly)

10 tgu with a 30 lb bar
20 double unders
30 walking overhead lunges with a 30 lb bar
40 push-ups
30 kettleball swings 44 lb KB
20 floor wipers 95 lb bar
10 box burpees

Two Rounds for time

Eugene 23:25
Dayna 23:54
Stuart 25:08

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Friday June 1, 2007

Same DL and Press workout as Sunday the 27th.

Thursday May 31, 2007

Same DL and Press workout as Sunday the 27th.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wednesday May 30, 2007

Kill Bob

Ring Pushups
Box Jumps
Clean and Jerk (95)
Ball Slams (30)

Eugene 19:28
Bob 23:50
Jennifer 23:56
Stuart 17:56

Tuesday May 29, 2007

The 100

10 Back Squats (135)
10 Clean and Jerks (135)
10 Road Rage (30 lb slam balls)
10 Ring Dips
10 KB Swings (52)
10 Colleen and Jerk (35 lb DB)
10 Wall Ball (20 lbs)
10 Pullups
10 Flip and Dip (44)
10 DL (190) + Box Jump
Once through for time

Stuart 12:56

Later in the day Bob did Lactate Pursuit

Tabata Squats
Tabata Ring Pushups
Tabata KB Snatch (44)
Tabata Tire Jump

4 sets (rather than 8) repeated twice with the 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off carried through for both sets. No extra rest between sets. The score is just as with any normal Tabata exercise, the lowest score in all 8 sets. In order he came up with 9, 8, 6, 4.

Monday May 28, 2007

Pushing the Envelope

50 yard tire run to or from mailbox (about 50 yards)
10 Hang Power Clean (95)
10 Push Press (95)
10 Front Squat (95)
10 Clean and Jerk (95)
50 yard tire run to or from mailbox
15 DB/KB Thrusters (35)
15 Rage Ball (30)
15 Ring Pushups
15 Row (Calories)
50 yard tire run to or from mailbox
20 Wall Ball (20)
20 KB Snatch (44) 10 L 10 R
20 KB/DB Push Press (35)
20 KB/DB Split Clean (25)
50 yard tire run to or from mailbox
25 Pullups
25 Pushups
25 Situps
25 Squats
Blast Through for Time

For each of the tire runs you run out to the street and if you see a tire there you strap it on and run it down to the mail box. No tires means you run the mail box and then run back with the tire. Definite advantage to the stronger people long as they also have good cardio.

Dayna 21:21
Stuart 22:15
Eugene 23:44
Jennifer 27:31
Scott 29:46

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday May 27, 2007



135 x 10
165 x 10
190 x 10
205 x 8
225 x 6


180 x 10
230 x 10
250 x 10
275 x 8
300 x 6


Eugene Stuart
75 x 8 90 x 8
90 x 4 105 x 4
95 x 4 x 4 110 x 4 x 4

225 x 8 x 2
230 x 8 x 2

Dyno Lat Pulls 3 10
Pullups 1, 2, 3, 4.....10


Pilates ball leg shooters x 10
Sit up ball throw (20)
Double DB sit up and press
Pilates ball leg shooters x 10

Friday May 25, 2007

Artificial Limp

Back Squat 135
Box Jump
Row (Calories)
Box Jump
Deadlift (190)
Box Jump
DB Thrusters (35)
Box Jump
Wall Ball (20)
Box Jump

Reps of 12-10-8

Stuart 25:41

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tuesday May 22, 2007

Heavily Armed

Kettlebell Snatch (52) 5 left 5 right
Ring Pushups
Barbell Hang Power Clean
Ring Pushups
Barbell Push Press (95)
Ring Pushups
Ring Pushups
Kettlebell Clean and Jerk (2 x 44)
Ring Pushups
Rounds of 12-10-8 for Time

Eugene 16:24
Stuart 20:20
Alyse 25:25

Monday May 21, 2007

Jacob's Ladder

Dayna 40:35
Stuart 43:30

Saturday May 19, 2007

Jacob's Ladder

Eugene 40:37
Glen 50:45

Glen came over with a 65 pound pig at 0630 and we prepped it for cooking. I fired up my new Traeger grill to the smoker setting and we put the porker inside. Invited some SWAT buddies over and had the most wonderful pork BBQ ever. Get a Traeger if you need a grill. We did Jacob's Ladder after we stuck the pig in cooker.

Friday May 18, 2007

Fight Got Worse

Row (Calories)
DB Thrusters (2 x 25)
Ring Pushups
KB Snatch (44)
Air Squats

Continuously Running clock, change exercises every minute, max reps at each station for 3 rounds. Tally score for each round and add rounds together for total score.

Stuart 327

Thursday May 17, 2007


Scott 13:37

Tuesday May 15, 2007


Eugene 9:20
Scott 10:10
Nate 11:15

Monday May 14, 2007

Death to the Infidel

Stuart 20:35
Alyse 20:40
Dayna 21:30
Bob 22:52
Scott 27:31

Friday, May 11, 2007

Friday May 11, 2007

Rage Against the Machine

Any really hard effort on the C2 seems to warrant that name. Jennifer came over for her 3,000 meter row again and since I was ready for a good pull and needed another 8,000 to make for a 10,000 meter day we did this.

Row 500 easy
Row 250 very, very hard
Row 500 very hard
Row 750 moderate

Row 500 easy
Row 500 very hard
Row 750 moderate
Row 250 very, very hard

Row 500 easy
Row 750 moderate
Row 250 very, very hard
Row 500 very hard

Row 500 easy
Row 750 moderate
Row 500 very hard
Row 250 very, very hard

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wednesday May 9, 2007

Kettlebell Juggling - basic release and catch moves, flips, clean and snatch catch around the body pass with uppercut pass.

Press, Push Press and Push Jerk

Clean and Jerk Ladder

5 Bench Squats (111 lb barbell with chains and bands added)
10 Barbell Deadlift with 135
15 Box Jumps
20 KB Swings (52)
25 Air Squats

Eugene and Nate

Tuesday May 8, 2007

The 300

25 Pullups
50 Box Jumps
50 Ring Pushups
50 Situps
50 KB Snatches (44)
50 Ball Slams (25)
25 Pullups

Dayna 14:26
Stuart 16:28
Bob 17:16

Monday May 7, 2007

Just Shoot Me

Run 400

The Bear - Full Squat Clean + Press, Back Squat + Push Press - Thruster

3 Weighted Pullups
5 Dead Hang Pullups
7 Kipping Pullups

3 Press
5 Push Press
7 Push Jerk

4 rounds for time

Eugene 24:45
Dayna 25:35
Alyse 26:10
Scott 31:10
Bob 33:00
Nate 33:22

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Friday May 4, 2007

SWAT Training

Collateral Damage

Erik 20:25
Eug 22:40
Chris 22:50
Mark 23:34
Byron 24:34
Phil 27:11
JD 31:30
Glen DNF - Couldn't get through the C & J's

Thursday May 3, 2007

Collateral Damage

20 Wall Ball (20)
30 Row (Calories)
40 Jumping Pullups

10 KB Snatch (52) - 10 each hand
20 Hollow Rock
30 Ball Slams (25)
40 KB Swings (44)

10 Cleand and Jerk (115)
20 Ab Roller
30 Box Jumps
40 Jumping Dips

10 Hang Power Snatch (75)
20 Thrusters (25)
30 PUllups
40 Push Press (75)

Scott 32:17

Wednesday May 2, 2007

Ninja's Mile

Bob 21:40
Nate 22:54

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Tuesday May 1, 2007

Same as yesterday in the morning for Stuart and he finished in 9:43. Then in the afternoon:

Ninja's Mile

Eugene 18;28
Scott 23:00
Loree 19:00
Aloex 22:25
Jennifer 22:55

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Monday April 30, 2007

Started with ball cleans, then ball clean and jerks, then press, push press, push jerk and split jerk reps with dumbbells, kettlebells and barbells. Then:

DB Thrusters (35)
Push Press (95)
KB Swings (52)
Ball Slams


Dayna, Alyse, Loree, Scott, Nate and me.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday April 29, 2007

The Gilligan

30 minutes on the bike
20 minutes rowing in the C2
10 minutes running on the treadmill
Repeated 3 times for a 3 hour tour
(rowed an extra 3000 at the end to make an even 15,000 meters rowing)

Total rowing distance is 520,000 meters so far this year.

In the afternoon:

Row 250
20 2-hand KB swings (52)
Run 50 yards to mail box
15 Air Squats
Run 50 yards back to gym
10 Pullups
Run 25 yards across the street
10 Pushups
Run 25 yards back to gym
10 DB Thrusters (35)

Stuart 14:35
Loree 15:40
Bob 17:42

Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday April 27, 2007

Colateral Damage

20 Wall Ball (20)
30 Row (Calories)
40 Jumping Pullups

10 KB Snatch (52)
20 Hollow Rock
30 Ball Slams (25)
40 KB Swings (44)

10 Barbell Clean & Jerk (115)
20 Ab Roller
30 Box Jumps
40 Jumping Dips

10 Hang Power Snatch (75)
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (2 x 25)
30 Pullups
40 Push Press (75)

Blast though once for time

Dayna and Stuart 25:10
Eugene 25:23
Alyse 26:27

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday April 26, 2007

Rude Awakening

20 KB Snatches (44) 10 left and 10 right
20 2-hand KB Swings (44)
20 Clean and Jerk (44) 10 left and 10 right
Stuart did this with a 52

10 Barbell Snatch (75)
10 Barbell Push Press (95)
10 Barbell Clean and Jerk (115)

5 Back Squat 185 for me 225 for Stuart
5 Bench Press (BW +15) 185 for m 225 for Stuart
5 Deadlift (BW x 1.5) 225 for my first set then 275/225 Stuart did 275

The Rude Awakening is that when you are done with the first time through you do it a second time. I pondered a third...until I was half way through the first. The squats were 179 for me and were plenty heavy. The bench was 185 and I needed a gentle spot. The deadlift was 225 for the first one and for the second 275 for 3 reps and then 225 for the last 2. Scott, Stuart and I did this one and it took us almost 40 minutes. We had to change weights on the barbell lifts and we had to spot each other for the squat and benches.

Wednesday April 25, 2007

Jennifer rowed 300 and Alex rowed 1000 (he's 13)

They both did Lactate Pursuit and little Alex had a very good showing. He managed to score 12 on the squats and somewhere around 9 on the other stuff. He used a 17 lb KB and did the pushups on his knees. Great workout for him.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tuesday April 25, 2007

Lactate Pursuit

Tabata Squats
Tabata Snatches
Tabata Ring Pushups
Tabata Box Jumps

4 rounds of each 2 x through

36 lb KB sit ups 10 left 10 right hand
20 situps
10 ab roller

10 snatches L 10 snatches R
20 swings
10 Clean and Jerk L and R
44 lb KB

Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday April 23, 2007

Blurred Vision

Hang Power Snatch (75)
Wall Ball (20)
Ring Pushups
Push Press (75)

Rounds of 15-12-8

Eugene 12:33
Alyse 12:58
Stuart 13:22
Fsyns 14:00
Scott 14:20

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday April 22, 2007

Chum Bucket

Row (Calories)
Wall Ball (20)
Hang Power Snatch (65)
Ball Slams (30)

Rounds of 21-15-9

Stuart managed 12:37 which puts this in the medium part of the CFPC menu. Major lung burner this.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday April 20, 2007

Fight Got Worse

Jennifer 299

Modifications were 15 lbs for the DB Thrusters, 26 lb KB for Snatches, knees down for the pushups and jumping pullups. Her rows and air squats were the same of course and she scored good numbers here as well. Excellent performance.

Stuart 324

Though he gets a knock on the head for not following the instructions, Stuart gets major points for doing FGW without the rest breaks. Amazing that he could score that high without stopping.

Thursday April 19, 2007

Fight Got Worse

Same format as fight gone bad but with one more exercise:

Row (calories)
DB Thrusters (25)
Ring Pushups
KB Snatch (44)
Air Squat

Chris 458
Eugene 372
JD 354 (Pukie)
Tom 346
Kevin 314
JJ 273
Jim 259
Glen 254

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Heavily Armed

KB Snatch (52)
Ring Pushups
Ring Pushups
2-hand KB Push Press
Ring Pushups
Hang Power Clean (115)
Ring Pushups
BB Push Press (95)
Ring Pushups

Reps of 12-10-8

Stuart 23:04
Alyuse 23:37

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday April 17, 2007

Artifical Limp

Squat (135)
Box Jump
Row (Calories)
Box Jump
Dead Lift (190)
Box Jump
DB Thruster (2 x 35)
Box Jump
Wall Ball (20)
Box Jump

Eugene 20:10
Stuart 23:31
Jennifer 27:57
Alyse 16:35 (Hip issues, partial squatting reps, box steps)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday April 16, 2007

Had an overnighter in Denver since I got bumped off a flight I finally made it home Sunday afternoon. Made up some new workouts during the flight home and tonight did:

Steaming Entrails
50 Jumping Pullups
40 Parallette Hip Ups (facing up)
30 Situps
20 GHD Wallball
10 Knees to Elbows

50 Jumping Dips
40 2-hand KB Swings (44)
30 Hollow Rock
20 Ab Roller
10 DB situp press (25)

50 Jumping Pullups
40 Parallette Hip Ups (facing down)
20 Back Extension
10 Leg Shooters on Ball

Eugene 21:50
Alyse 25:58
Stuart 28:19
Jennifer 33:00

Friday, April 13, 2007

Almost Outta Here

Last day here. Another gorgeous day as most of my days here have been. Bosnia-Herzegovina is not a war zone or the dangerous place the name seems to bring to mind. The country is beautiful, the people are friendly...once you are introduced, the food is great, it is inexpensive and it is safe to walk around at all hours of the day or night. Strange politics here in that there are 3 presidents that rotate every 8 prez each for the Serbs, Croats and Bosnians. I have walked over the bridge where Archduke Frans Ferdinand was shot by a Serb which started WWI. The program we put on was defensive tactics training for the cops here and it was a 2-week instructor level course. I have enjoyed my time here but look forward to being home again.