CrossFit is all about functionality. Little Sammie here had no chance of getting the garage door open using only her wee little arms but when I told her to "Do like with the ball" which is Sam speak for her wall ball throws she squatted down and did a wonderful front squat and managed to stand up with the door. This principle of using your big muscles to move things is a very important concept in applying your strength to a problem.
If you're close enough and have about 6 hours on your hands, you may want to get in a trek up to Camp Muir from Paradise. It's about a 4 hour trip to where those that seek to summit rest overnight befor they push on the last 4,000 feet or so. Camp Muir is right around 10,000 feet from about 5,200 feet at Paradise. About half the trip up (during this time of year before the snow starts up again) is on asphalt then dirt trail the rest is snow pack. You can do it in running shoes but your feet will get wet and cold. Some good climbing boots, wind jacket and sun screen will suit you well. Bring lunch and snacks and a Camelbak.
Here's a workout we call Tire Trouble. It involves pairs dragging tires up and down the street and doing exercises along the way then switching to do tire flips and jump throughs...after flipping the tire jump inside then out and as soon as you're out of the way the other person does the same. This particular workout tends to really bring the curious looks from the UPS driver, mailman and other visitors to the neighborhood. The folks that live there are more than used to our antics.
3 balls around big tire 25, 30 and 40 lbs Burpee to ball Full squat clean Thruster ball a la wall ball Catch then press ball Slam ball then jump on tire Rotate for 3 laps - 12 reps