Monday, December 12, 2005

Monday December 12, 2005



Partner 25 pound D-ball slam and toss for 2 minutes
15 pound ball slam, clean+jump onto 20" box for 1 minute
Climb up and over net and back
Reps of 10-8-6:
Pullups, Wall Ball, ring pushups, sit ups, back extensions

Main Set

36 lb kettlebell for 10 reps of:
one hand swing/clean and press/snatch
Each of the above was one rep, all 10 reps with one arm then switch

36 - 44 - 52 - 62 lb Kettlebells
Reps of 10-8-6-4 of the clean and jerk with each arm

52lb KB clean and jerk, Wall Ball, pullups, ring pushups
Reps of 10-8-6 for time
Eugene in 6:20 Keith in 9:28

Finished with ice water dump - had to break ice to get to the water.


Computrainer Ride for 1:20:00, 30 min in dry sauna, 15 minutes in jacuzzi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has been hard for me to find good information via blog searches. I have search the search engines and am now looking through the blogs and still no luck. However, I did enjoy your post.

--All the best,
Relax Into Stretch