Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wednesday May 30, 2007

Kill Bob

Ring Pushups
Box Jumps
Clean and Jerk (95)
Ball Slams (30)

Eugene 19:28
Bob 23:50
Jennifer 23:56
Stuart 17:56

Tuesday May 29, 2007

The 100

10 Back Squats (135)
10 Clean and Jerks (135)
10 Road Rage (30 lb slam balls)
10 Ring Dips
10 KB Swings (52)
10 Colleen and Jerk (35 lb DB)
10 Wall Ball (20 lbs)
10 Pullups
10 Flip and Dip (44)
10 DL (190) + Box Jump
Once through for time

Stuart 12:56

Later in the day Bob did Lactate Pursuit

Tabata Squats
Tabata Ring Pushups
Tabata KB Snatch (44)
Tabata Tire Jump

4 sets (rather than 8) repeated twice with the 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off carried through for both sets. No extra rest between sets. The score is just as with any normal Tabata exercise, the lowest score in all 8 sets. In order he came up with 9, 8, 6, 4.

Monday May 28, 2007

Pushing the Envelope

50 yard tire run to or from mailbox (about 50 yards)
10 Hang Power Clean (95)
10 Push Press (95)
10 Front Squat (95)
10 Clean and Jerk (95)
50 yard tire run to or from mailbox
15 DB/KB Thrusters (35)
15 Rage Ball (30)
15 Ring Pushups
15 Row (Calories)
50 yard tire run to or from mailbox
20 Wall Ball (20)
20 KB Snatch (44) 10 L 10 R
20 KB/DB Push Press (35)
20 KB/DB Split Clean (25)
50 yard tire run to or from mailbox
25 Pullups
25 Pushups
25 Situps
25 Squats
Blast Through for Time

For each of the tire runs you run out to the street and if you see a tire there you strap it on and run it down to the mail box. No tires means you run the mail box and then run back with the tire. Definite advantage to the stronger people long as they also have good cardio.

Dayna 21:21
Stuart 22:15
Eugene 23:44
Jennifer 27:31
Scott 29:46

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday May 27, 2007



135 x 10
165 x 10
190 x 10
205 x 8
225 x 6


180 x 10
230 x 10
250 x 10
275 x 8
300 x 6


Eugene Stuart
75 x 8 90 x 8
90 x 4 105 x 4
95 x 4 x 4 110 x 4 x 4

225 x 8 x 2
230 x 8 x 2

Dyno Lat Pulls 3 10
Pullups 1, 2, 3, 4.....10


Pilates ball leg shooters x 10
Sit up ball throw (20)
Double DB sit up and press
Pilates ball leg shooters x 10

Friday May 25, 2007

Artificial Limp

Back Squat 135
Box Jump
Row (Calories)
Box Jump
Deadlift (190)
Box Jump
DB Thrusters (35)
Box Jump
Wall Ball (20)
Box Jump

Reps of 12-10-8

Stuart 25:41

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tuesday May 22, 2007

Heavily Armed

Kettlebell Snatch (52) 5 left 5 right
Ring Pushups
Barbell Hang Power Clean
Ring Pushups
Barbell Push Press (95)
Ring Pushups
Ring Pushups
Kettlebell Clean and Jerk (2 x 44)
Ring Pushups
Rounds of 12-10-8 for Time

Eugene 16:24
Stuart 20:20
Alyse 25:25

Monday May 21, 2007

Jacob's Ladder

Dayna 40:35
Stuart 43:30

Saturday May 19, 2007

Jacob's Ladder

Eugene 40:37
Glen 50:45

Glen came over with a 65 pound pig at 0630 and we prepped it for cooking. I fired up my new Traeger grill to the smoker setting and we put the porker inside. Invited some SWAT buddies over and had the most wonderful pork BBQ ever. Get a Traeger if you need a grill. We did Jacob's Ladder after we stuck the pig in cooker.

Friday May 18, 2007

Fight Got Worse

Row (Calories)
DB Thrusters (2 x 25)
Ring Pushups
KB Snatch (44)
Air Squats

Continuously Running clock, change exercises every minute, max reps at each station for 3 rounds. Tally score for each round and add rounds together for total score.

Stuart 327

Thursday May 17, 2007


Scott 13:37

Tuesday May 15, 2007


Eugene 9:20
Scott 10:10
Nate 11:15

Monday May 14, 2007

Death to the Infidel

Stuart 20:35
Alyse 20:40
Dayna 21:30
Bob 22:52
Scott 27:31

Friday, May 11, 2007

Friday May 11, 2007

Rage Against the Machine

Any really hard effort on the C2 seems to warrant that name. Jennifer came over for her 3,000 meter row again and since I was ready for a good pull and needed another 8,000 to make for a 10,000 meter day we did this.

Row 500 easy
Row 250 very, very hard
Row 500 very hard
Row 750 moderate

Row 500 easy
Row 500 very hard
Row 750 moderate
Row 250 very, very hard

Row 500 easy
Row 750 moderate
Row 250 very, very hard
Row 500 very hard

Row 500 easy
Row 750 moderate
Row 500 very hard
Row 250 very, very hard

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wednesday May 9, 2007

Kettlebell Juggling - basic release and catch moves, flips, clean and snatch catch around the body pass with uppercut pass.

Press, Push Press and Push Jerk

Clean and Jerk Ladder

5 Bench Squats (111 lb barbell with chains and bands added)
10 Barbell Deadlift with 135
15 Box Jumps
20 KB Swings (52)
25 Air Squats

Eugene and Nate

Tuesday May 8, 2007

The 300

25 Pullups
50 Box Jumps
50 Ring Pushups
50 Situps
50 KB Snatches (44)
50 Ball Slams (25)
25 Pullups

Dayna 14:26
Stuart 16:28
Bob 17:16

Monday May 7, 2007

Just Shoot Me

Run 400

The Bear - Full Squat Clean + Press, Back Squat + Push Press - Thruster

3 Weighted Pullups
5 Dead Hang Pullups
7 Kipping Pullups

3 Press
5 Push Press
7 Push Jerk

4 rounds for time

Eugene 24:45
Dayna 25:35
Alyse 26:10
Scott 31:10
Bob 33:00
Nate 33:22

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Friday May 4, 2007

SWAT Training

Collateral Damage

Erik 20:25
Eug 22:40
Chris 22:50
Mark 23:34
Byron 24:34
Phil 27:11
JD 31:30
Glen DNF - Couldn't get through the C & J's

Thursday May 3, 2007

Collateral Damage

20 Wall Ball (20)
30 Row (Calories)
40 Jumping Pullups

10 KB Snatch (52) - 10 each hand
20 Hollow Rock
30 Ball Slams (25)
40 KB Swings (44)

10 Cleand and Jerk (115)
20 Ab Roller
30 Box Jumps
40 Jumping Dips

10 Hang Power Snatch (75)
20 Thrusters (25)
30 PUllups
40 Push Press (75)

Scott 32:17

Wednesday May 2, 2007

Ninja's Mile

Bob 21:40
Nate 22:54

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Tuesday May 1, 2007

Same as yesterday in the morning for Stuart and he finished in 9:43. Then in the afternoon:

Ninja's Mile

Eugene 18;28
Scott 23:00
Loree 19:00
Aloex 22:25
Jennifer 22:55

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Monday April 30, 2007

Started with ball cleans, then ball clean and jerks, then press, push press, push jerk and split jerk reps with dumbbells, kettlebells and barbells. Then:

DB Thrusters (35)
Push Press (95)
KB Swings (52)
Ball Slams


Dayna, Alyse, Loree, Scott, Nate and me.