Friday, January 27, 2006

Thursday January 26, 2006

One 65, one 75 and assorted lighter weight sand bags
Chest high bar in Vulcan Rack
Pick up bags and toss them over the bar for 2 min.

65 lb on barbell
5 reps each of Thruster and Snatch then with 45 lb
one hand snatch 5 with each hand

4 in a circle with one 25lb D-ball, 1 20lb Dynamax ball
Slam the D-ball, toss the Dynamax ball for height for 2 min.

35 lb D-ball 15 inch box, 25 lb D-ball 20 inch box
Partner Slam Box (Slam - Clean - Toss - Jump)

Snatch Catch
Clean Catch Press
Swing-Clean-Push Press

SDLHP (44's)
Push Press (52's)
2-Hand Swing (72)
Clean and Jerk (62)

Performed as 8-6-4

Wednesday January 25, 2006

Man in the Middle

Snatch (44)
Wall Ball (20)
BB Cleans (95)

2 minutes each with 2 minutes rest in between

Rw Sn PU WB Cln Total
Tom 42 60 48 42 34 226
Brad 38 48 31 50 35 202
Keith 35 50 25 41 36 187
Eug 40 52 69 44 35 240

Tuesday January 24, 2006

Net - Laddere climb

GHD Situp
Box Jump
Ring Pushups
KB Swings
Ball Slams

Done in order (from whever you start) 10-8-6

Monday January 23, 2006

Ring Pushups
GHD Situps
Skin the Cat
Samson Stretch

First threee done 10-8-6
Skin the cat done 3 times
Samson Stretch 10 sec/side

Air Squats 40-30-20
Power Clean 10-8-6
Leg assisted Muscle Up 10-8-6

Eugene 7:50
Alex 7:50
Jennifer 8:45

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Saturday January 21, 2006

Tri Freak Sprint Triathlon

Fixed time race of 15 minutes per event

Goals - 750 yards swimming, 5 miles biking, 1.75 miles running

Swim time was 14 minutes to even out transition to the bikes.

Swim: .55 miles or 950 yards
Bike: 6.12 miles at 23.9 mph and 361 avg watts
Run: 1.89 miles

Friday January 20, 2006

Yellow rain

Power Cleans 3-3-3-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Thursday January 19, 2006

Net/ladder climb x 2
Man in the middle

KB snatch 52
KB 2-hand clean/thruster
KB clean and jerk 61
KB 2-bell SDLHP 44

Reps of 10-8-6

Helen: Eug 8:50, Tom 9:25, Keith 12:02 (blue band, 44 lb KB), Brad 12:30 (black band, 44 lb KB)

Wednesday January 18, 2006

CF Warm up
Assorted KB lifts

KB Snatch 44 Pullups
KB C & J 52 Ball Slams 25
KB Clean 62 Wall Ball 20
KB 2-hand swing 52 Push Press 80
KB 1-hand thruster Box Jump

10 reps total for each event. First column done in that order. Second column done in any order and follow the event you do in the first column. eug 5:35, Tom 5:41, Chandra 7:00, Brad 7:35, Jennifer 9:36

Monday January 16, 2006

Net, ladder x 2
Valeo ball bounce 2 minutes

Row 500
Wall ball x 20 (20lbs)
25 pullups
20 80 lb push press
30 slams (25)
4-way box jump
2 hand KB C&J (36) x 20
TM run .25 miles

One time through for best time:

Loree 21:20, Eug 12:30, Keith 17:30, Jennifer 20:00

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sunday January 15, 2006

1:20:00 bike, 20 miles on CT.

Wednesday January 11, 2006

3 sets of single and 2-hand kettlebell swings
1 minute max cleans with 52 (47)
1 minute max jerk with 44 (49)
1 minute max snatch with 44 (48)
2 minutes rest
10-8-6 reps of:
2 hand swing with 62
double KB push press with 52's
SDLHP with 44's

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Tuesday January 10, 2006

B2B Tabata Squats
44 lb KB single leg, stiff legged deadlift x 8 (each leg)
44 lb KB 2 hand clean-squat-thruster x 8
44 lb KB alternating anchored snatch x 8 (each arm)
44 lb KB alternating press x 8 (each arm)
52 lb KB single leg, stiff legged deadlift (each leg)
52 lb KB 2 hand clean-squat-thruster x 8
44 lb KB 1-hand swing-clean-press x 8 (each arm)
52 lb KB 1-hand swing-clean-press x 6 (each arm)
52 lb KB 1-hand clean R arm 6-5-4, L arm 6-5-4
52 lb KB 2-hand swing 12-10-8
52 lb KB 1-hand dead hang clean 12-10-8
44 lb KB 1-hand press 10-9-8
44 lb KB 1-bell alternating lunge x 12

Monday January 9, 2006

0500 in Kennewick, Washington for a SWAT school, staying at a Best Western. I brought 5 kettlebells - 2-44's, 2-52's and a 62. We ran a mile and a half to warm up and then did a modified Helen. During a pre-run area check I found that the Home Depot across the street from the hotel had the perfect pull-up bars. Next time you go to a Home Depot check out the cart racks. They are made out of aluminum tubes and HD orange plastic sides. The run to the pullup bars was about 300 yards and once there we cranked out the 12 pullups and then ran back to the hotel awning for the swings: 21 with the 52 and 25 with the 44. After the 3 trips I stopped the clock at 14:15, Glen at 17:14, Chris at 17:26 and Mark at 18:00.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Saturday, December 7, 2005

1 hour CT Ride

Friday January 6, 2005

Rage Box 15, 25, 35 and 3 boxes for 6 reps each
12, 15, 15 lb med balls underhand/overhand toss 2 mins

185 lb DL + Box Jump
2 KB (36) clean, thruster box step (KBs overhead)
Clean-Push Press-Front Squat-Thruster (80lb)
Power Clean (115 lb)
Push Press (85)

Storm through with reps of 10-8-6

Wednesday January 4, 2005

Rage Box 15, 25, 35 lb balls with 3 different boxes.
Rotate through with 6 reps at each box

Yellow Rain - 15, 25, 35 lb balls thrown underhand
with each ball, then overhand with each ball, repeating
as quickly as possible for 2 minutes

Rage Box
KB Swing (52)
Ring Dips
DL + Box Jump
Ring Pushups

Straight through each with reps of 10-8-6

Eug 9:04, Tom 10:02, Brad 11:42, Jennifer 13:30, Benda 14:45
Keith 15:10

Monday, January 02, 2006

Monday January 2, 2006


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Deadlift: 1 ½ body weight, bench press: body weight, clean: ¾ body weight
Set up three bars and storm through for time.

Adjust weights according to ability to, for example, DL bodyweight, BP 3/4 bodyweight and clean 1/2 bodyweight. The weight is too light if you are able to complete each set straight through without struggle. Break up the sets as necessary, remembering you are doing this for time.