Monday, December 31, 2007

Sunday December 30, 2007

3 x 2 minute rounds of jump rope
4 x 2 minute boxing rounds using Bas Rutten's audio CD
Burgener Warm up

Back Squat
Bench Press
Dead Lift

10-8-6 reps one exercise to the next adding weight each time

Single lift at a time starting with the back squat going up weight with the change in reps. There were three of us and it took too long. We finished with Back Squat and I got up to 225, Lance to 215 and Alex to 135 and then we did the bench but only one set of each of the reps getting up to 205 for Lance and me...unassisted for Lance, I needed help. Alex got toe 115 with a little help.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saturday December 29, 2007

Over the Top

Ring Dips
Box Jumps
Burpee Pullovers
Clean and Jerk (95)
Rounds of:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2,1

Eugene 14:30
Lance 15:08
Alex 20:58

This was much harder than I thought it was going to be. It was my original intention to go 1 to 10 and maybe if that wasn't hard enough to come back down to 1. But by the time I got to rep 3 we were all so smoked that I knew we wouldn't make it to 10 let alone back down. I changed it mid workout to 5 and back down just out of survival. This one is Over the Top because of how you go up and down the numbers, because of how you go Over the Top of the bar and because in difficulty, it is just Over the Top. For Alex and others that can't do a pullover, do two knees to elbows for each pullover instead.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Friday December 28, 2007



Ring Dips
KB SNATCH (44 lbs - 10-L/10-R)
Clean and Jerk

10, 9, 8...1 For time

Same workout but adjusted a bit because I just have two rowing machines and too many people to cycle through without conflicts. The Snatches made a bit harder.

Eugene 21:43
Frank 22:35
Erik 26:20
Chris 27:37
Tom 30:43
Kevin 34:25
JD 34:45
Mark 35:18
Byron 40:42

PM Group

Freefall for Stuart in 23:42

Just Shoot Me

Row 500
The Bear (95)
(Squat Clean, Press, Back Squat, Push Press, Front Squat, Thurster)
3 Weighted Pullups
5 Dead Hang Pullups
7 Kipping Pullups

3 Press
5 Push Press
7 Push Jerk (95)

Jennifer 29:50 (45 lbs)
Lance 30:40
Alex 32:22 (65 lbs)

Jack did a press, back squat and DL workout.

Thursday December 27, 2007


Ring Dips
Rowing (Calories)
Thrusters (2 x 25 lb DBs)
Clean and Jerk (95 lbs)

10,9,8...1 For time

Alex 29:10
Lance 29:43
Jennifer 30:32

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wednesday December 26, 2007


Row 250 meters
5 Squat Thrust Pushup (on KB's) Squat Clean Thruster (2 x 36)
10 Push Press (95 lbs)
20 Anchored Alternating KB Snatches (2 x 36)
10 Tire Rage
(Burpee, jump in out of tire and repeat. Each pass is 1 rep)

3 Rounds for time

Eugene 17:55
Stuart 18:37
Alex 19:19
Lance 19:37

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Saturday December 22, 2007

Alexander the Great

Back Squat (100 lbs)
Behind the neck push or split jerk (100 lbs)
Thruster (2 x 25 lb DBs)

Rounds of 10, 9, 8...1

Jack 12:42
Alex (65) (20) 12:42
Eugene 14:05
Lance 14:39

The scraped off skin on the back of my neck over the T-1 spinal bump is a really terrific indicator that you should use a bar with no center knurling for this. Lowering the bar from overhead after each push jerk got to be hard to steer around that bump after a few rounds.
This workout is in counterpoint to Linda which has the pulling lifts of the deadlift and the clean and I made it up to avoid pulling which hurst Lance's bicep lately.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday December 21, 2007

Linda for Jack in 53:20. He benched 180 which took him the longest, deadlifted 275 and cleaned 135. A stickler for doing his own work he didn't count any of his bench reps where I had to give him even the slightest assistance.

Thursday December 20, 2007

Party with the Girls

Bob 35:26


Deadlift 1.5 x bodyweight
Clean 3/4 bodyweight
Bench Press bodyweight

For Lance and me that was 255 for the DL but I did 225 because 255 was too heavy and Lance did 185 because of his back. We both cleaned 125 and he benched 170 and I think I was doing 165 most of the way through till the lower numbers. I stink at the bench press. Alex did around 95 for the bench press, 135 for the DL and 75 for the cleans. We took about 50 minutes but had to spot each other on the bench. At best we might have improved our time to 45 minutes or maybe 40 if we really pushed it. Fantastic workout even done at a moderate pace.

Wednesday December 19, 2007

Party with the Girls

Stuart 32:45

With a pair of 36 lb KBs (26's for Alex)
Squat thrust/pushup
Renegade Row
Squat Clean
2 Thrusters
2 Clean and Jerks
2 Alt. Anchored Snatches
2 Pullups

Did this awful thing 5 times. Painful, but a great warm up.

Press, Push Press, Push Jerk

Starting at 75 lbs and doing 5 reps as long as we were able, then dropping to 3 and 2 and then turning it into a push press and finally a push jerk. I got to 125 for the press, 135 for the push press and 155 for the push jerk. Jack was better pressing 135 and about the same amount more for each of the subsequent lifts. Lance was between me and Jack.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What it looks like now

Here's the new platform. Waiting on a second horizontal bumper rack from Sorinex, the one I have is at a welder's place to have some copies made to hold all those bumpers. Note the finish on the platform. That's 7 coats of polyurathane with plenty of sanding in between. No, it is not slippery, not even when you sweat all over it.

Here's Sammie on the finished ladder. It serves to access the attic above the gym...just a storage area really, but is also for climbing up with your hands only. Here Sammie is climbing down the ladder with just her hands...not bad for a 5 year old. She makes her mom very nervous.

Here's my new logo. The homage to the Punisher skull is evident but it is different enough to not be a copy. The spear and swords are from The 300 and the font is from Blade II.

Tuesday December 18, 2007

Party with the Girls

Elizabeth – 400 m Run – 21 Squat Cleans (75) – 21 Ring Dips
Angie – 25 Pullups – 25 Pushups – 25 Situps – 25 Squats
Kelly – 400 m Run – 30 Box Jumps – 30 Wall Ball Shots
Fran – 21 Thrusters (75) – 21 Pullups
Helen – 400 m Run – 21 Swings (52) – 12 Pullups
Grace – 30 Clean and Jerks (75)

Eugene 28:52
Jack 34:26
Nick 35:08
Alex 36:35
Lance 36:30


Here's the old set up with the 6 x 8 platform. It was too small and there was not quite enough room between the ends of the bar and the bumpers for dropping the bar and no space at all on the platform outside the cage.

I have to make a mess to improve things so the gym can get a bit trashed sometimes. This part of the mess was to create a new ladder to go from the loft to the attic crawl space.

Where the ladder is is where the new plumbing pipe ladder will be mounted. Had to use a card board mock up to get the angles right. That space on the wall between the pullup bars and the ladder looks like a good spot to mount something.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Monday December 17, 2007


Barbell Thruster (75)
Cleans (115)
Ring Pushups

Lance 15:06
Alex 15:27

Sweater of Discomfort

Sweater of Discomfort
Row 500
Push Press 50
Row 400
Push Press 40
Row 300
Push Press 30
Row 200
Push Press 20
Row 100
Push Press 10
Once through for time

Nick 15:59
Grant 16:10

The Nick and Grant workout was tight from start to finish. Nick is bigger and stronger, Grant is faster and more agile. Nick had the advantage on the rowing machine but he couldn't seem to shake Grant. Nick finished the row first but he went to the push press and while catching his breath Grant caught up. Nick said, "Man, I just can't shake him." It was tight to the finish and both made sweat angels. A good 20 minutes later Grant said, "I'm still not right."

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday December 16, 2007

Burgener Warmup

Power Snatch/High Pull 5-4-3-2-1
Power Cleans/High Pull 5-4-3-2-1
DL 5-4-3-2-1
Max pulls from pins

Started with 75 lbs to start for 5 reps and then snatch grip high pulls.
From 5 to 4 reps then to 3 and after the snatches and high pulls do 5 power cleans/high pulls.
After 2 snatches/pulls do 4 power cleans/high pulls.
After 1 snatch/pull and 3 power cleans/high pulls do 5 deadlifts.
Next is 2 power cleans and 4 deadlifts, 1 and 3 and so on.
We found that the DL weight was too light so we started over with 5 for the deadlift.
We started at 225 and I worked up to 2 lifts at 295 but failed at 315. Grant got the 315 as did Jack, Nick and Stuart. Stuart, Nick and Jack left the rest of us in the dust with the DL and went higher but I forget what they pulled. Bob had to leave before we got to the DL.
Then we put a bar up on pin in the rack about mid thigh high with 315 on it. We did sets off pulls off the pins and Jack, Nick and I managed to get 495 up. Stuart has some elbow issues and didn't want to go that heavy today. Take that Micah...495 off the pins.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

1/2 Hour of Power for Stuart and Bob. I posted their scores on yesterdays matrix.

Jack, Lance, Alex, Nick, and I did Stand and Deliver.

3 Press
4 Push Press
5 Push Jerk

Do 5 switching hands each time. We used a 36 lb KB and Jack moved through this like he was just putting on his shirt. It just about flattened me. My OHS weakness showed and just as soon as I began the squat, the KB sought the top of my head. After SAD...great acronym for me feelings about this one...I set out KB's in weights of 88 - 36 - 72 - 36 - 61 - 36. We did cleans in reps of 2, 4, 6 with the heavy ones and 8 snatches with the 36's.

Thursday December 13, 2007

1/2 Hour of Power

Powr Clean Wall Ball Pullups KB PP (44) Rowing (Cal) Snatch (44) Total
Eugene 53 70 70 58 70 92 413
Stuart 70 80 40 55 55 82 382
Alex 56 65 65 60 59 70 375
Nick 41 55 50 65 56 75 342
Lance 46 55 49 36 50 104 340
Jack 43 80 48 39 57 61 328
Grant 36 50 57 50 60 57 310
Dylan 43 50 33 3056 70 282
Bob 26 73 38 35 50 22 244

Continuously running clock with 5 minutes at each of 6 stations - Power Clean with 95 lbs, Wall Ball with a 20 lb ball, Pullups, KB Push Press with a pair of 44's, Rowing for calories and KB snatch with a 44. Do max reps at each station with as much rest as you need switching every 5 minutes.

By the way counted right when you said 275. When you posted my error I went and fixed it. The pullups at each end are supposed to be 25...I had that right, but I had Wall Ball or one of the other exercises at 25 as well. Good catch. I look forward to seeing your numbers for this one.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wednesday December 12, 2007

Rusty Mower

High Pull

The mower won't start and you have to pull it harder and harder. Give it 5 pulls with a bent over row, then 5 more with a high pull, then 5 more cleans and finish with 5 snatches. Then switch to the other hand and do the same. Next do 4 with each hand, then 3 and keep going on down to 1 of each for each arm. Use a 36 lb KB to start.


Squat Clean/Thruster
Power Clean/Push Jerk

Use a pair of 25 lb DB's to start and knock out 5 pushups with your hands on the DB handles. Then stand with the bells to a squat clean and come up to a thruster 5 times making sure you squat down deeply enough to touch at least on end of the DB to the floor. Finish with 5 power clean and push jerks. Start over with 4 of each then 3, 2, 1.

The 300

25 Pullups
50 Tire Jumps
50 Ring Pushups
50 ABMat Situps
50 KB Swings (44) 25/25
50 Ball Slams (25)
25 Pullups

One time through as fast as you can.

Three of us, Jack, Grant and me did the Rusty Mower first while Lance Alex and Nick did Revolution first. We Rusty Mowers did 1 of each 5 times, then 4 times and so on. That was very slow and inefficient. Lance, Alex and Nick did 5 rows, 5 high pulls, 5 cleans and 5 snatches and their times reveal how much more efficient that method is. That will be how we do this one from now on.

Here are our times for Rusty Mower, Revolution and The 300.

Eugene 4:28, 1:58, 11:58
Lance 3:19, 2:18, 14:09
Alex 3:17, 2:43, 13:10
Jack 4:44, 1:58, 12:41
Nick 3:13, 2:04, 14:33
Grant 5:26, 1:58, 12:57

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday December 11, 2007

Collateral Damage

20 Wall Ball (20)
30 Calories Rowing
40 Jumping Pullups

10 KB Snatches (52) each hand
20 Hollow Rock
30 Ball Slams (25)
40 KB Swings (44)

10 Clean and Jerk (115)
20 Ab Roller
30 Tire Jumps
40 Jumping Dips

10 Hang Power Cleans (75)
20 DB Thrusters (25)
30 Pullups
40 Push Press (75)

Eugene 23:50
Stuart 24:22
Nick 25:53
Grant 27:19
Alex 27:51
Dylan 28:30
Lance 28:43

Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday December 10, 2007

Slam Ball Exercises

Fran (75)

Eugene 4:18
Grant 4:53
Jack 5:53
Nick 6:14
Alex 6:18
Lance 6:34
Bob 6:41
Scott 7:37

5 Barbell Snatches
5 Squat Clean
5 Thrusters
5 Back Squat
5 Clean and Jerk

All done with 75 lbs. Next round was 4 then 3 and so on down to 1

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sunday December 9, 2007

CrossFit Total

Squat, Press, Deadlift = Total

Stuart 275, 165, 405 = 845
Jack 255, 135, 345 = 735
Eugene 225, 125, 285 = 635

Saturday December 8, 2007

KB day with 44's

Swing - Squat Clean - Thruster then burpee and alternate x 10

Swing - Clean Catch - Squat - Thruster throw to other hand x 10

Swing - Clean and Jerk - Snatch - Swing flip to alternate hands x 10

Swing - High Pull - Snatch - helicopter spin to alternate hands x 10

Snatch - 5 x 5 continuous alternating hands each 5 reps

Double KB Push Jerk 3 x 10 @ 40, 35 and 30 second pace

See Saw Push Press 3 x 10

Anchored Alternating Snatch x 10

Row of KBs 72, 36, 61, 36, 52, 36 lined up and reps of 2, 4, 6 on the heavier bells in the clean and jerk with 8 reps of the snatch in between.

Eugene, Lance, Alex, Nick, Grant, Jack, Jennifer and Sammie

Friday December 7, 2007

The Big Dripper

Row 250
5 DL (230) + Box Jump
10 Thrusters (95)
15 Burpee Pullups
20 Air Squats
25 Push Press (75)
50 KB Snatches 25 L 25 R
100 Rope Jumps
2 Rounds for Time

Grant 22:14
Nick 25:44
Alex 23:03
Lance 24:08
Bob 24:07

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Thursday December 6, 2007

Partner + 1

Ab mat situps
KB Snatch (52) (36)
Partner Rage Box Throws
Tire Catch
Power Clean (115)

Max reps, change on the minute

Eugene, Stuart, Lance, Alex, Jack, Toni, Dylan, Grant, Nick

Fat Bar Deadlift
Log Push Press
Weighted Pullups

The deadlift got up to 265 and the push press to 135...165 for Stuart. We used a 30 lb vest and worked up to a 45 lb DB for Nick, Lance and me and 55 for Jack. We did 3 to 5 reps at each station for 4 rotations.

Wednesday November 5, 2007

(Lactic) Acid Test

Jumping Pullups
Push Press (75)
Tire Jumps
Kettlebell Snatch (36)

Round 1, 3 minutes
Round 2, 2 minutes
Round 3, 1 minute

About a minute between each to put your score on the board and move to the next exercise. Score is total reps.

Eugene 970
Stuart 967
Grant 891
Alex 886
Nick 813
Lance 803
Bob 762

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Tuesday December 4, 2007

Jacob's Ladder

25 Wall Ball
25 Row (Calories)
25 Ball Slams (25 lb ball)
25 Power Cleans (115 lbs)
25 KB Swings (52 lbs)

20 DB Thrusters (35 lbs)
20 Pullups
20 Hammer Hits to Tire
20 KB Snatches (44 lbs) 10/10
20 Ring Pushups

15 Push Press (95 lbs)
15 Clean and Jerk (105 lbs)
15 Hex Bar DL/Box Jumps (190 lbs) (20” box)
15 GHD Situps
15 Barbell Snatches (75 lbs)

10 Front Squat (95 lbs)
10 KB Flip and Dip
10 Pullups
10 KB Double Clean and Jerk (44 lbs)
10 Ring Dips

5 Road Rage
5 Pushup/Pullup/Rollup
5 Colleen and Jerk with Burpee (45)
5 HSPU (Hand Stand Pushup)
5 Squat Clean/Thruster/Back Squat/Split Jerk

Eugene 41:24
Alex 49:28
Dylan 50:03
Nick 50:23
Grant 50:38
Lance 53:48

Monday December 3, 2007

Muscle up practice - still can't get through the transition.

The Bear practice

5 Power Clean
5 Power Clean with Front Squat
5 Squat Clean
5 Squat Clean Thruster

This was done with just the bar to get the feel for the Squat Clean, then with a 95 lb bar

Squat Clean Thruster

We did 1 then 2 then 3 reps twice through

Squat Clean

One Squat Clean then 2, 3, 4 Thrusters

Squat Clean
Back Squat
Split Jerk
5 reps

36 lb KB

Lunge left, right
OHS, Sots Press
5 reps each arm

Some ab work and then band runs to finish up

Eugene, Stuart, Lance, Alex, Nick, Grant

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Sunday December 2, 2007

A Boy Named Sue

Push Press (95)
Tire Jump
1 rep at minute one
2 reps at minute two
and so on to 20 minutes

Eugene 18 rounds + 14 push presses
Stuart 17 rounds + 18 push presses and 2 jumps
Alex 17 rounds + 11 push presses
Grant 16 rounds
Bob 15 rounds + 16 push presses
Lance 15 rounds + 12 push presses

Saturday December 1, 2007

Double Unders
Ball Squats

5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Back Squats
5 Split Jerk

We did each event individually for 5 reps doing one each of the movement before. Then when we had practiced each movement we did 5 of each all the way through, took a short rest and did it again.

Row 250
Ring Pushups
Tire Jumps
KB Snatch (44)

Lance 12:02
Alex 12:48 (36)
Nick 13:40