Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tuesday June 24, 2008

ME Super Squats

Ben 180
Eugene 175
Lance 175
Gia 75
Alex 130
Toni 95
Steven 145
Brandon 85

We also did 15, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 with the bench adding 10 lbs per rep change starting at 3/4 bodyweight.


Anonymous said...

Forgot me again- SS 95lbs

Unknown said...

6/25 SS- 185lbs, first time doing the super squats. 1 set/ 20reps is what I understood.
Also did Reps of 15/12/10... for shoulder press. It was pretty pathetic in I got fatigued and couldn't go up Rx 10lbs for most of the sets. 95/105/115/115/115/115/125