Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sunday May 28, 2006

5 mile run/200 Pullups

Pullup contest coming up 183 days so I am working on my pullup ability so I can hit the standard of 65 by then. I ran a bit and did some pullups changing grips, changing bars, using the pull straps, using the pulling rock grips and then in my last mile I ran a tenth and then did 10 pullups to get to 200. A bit sore between the shoulder blades.

Saturday May 27, 2006

5 mile run

Friday May 26, 2006

15 Mile bike ride

Thursday May 25, 2006


Loree 8:20
Eug 6:40

Bad Omen

6 Push Press (95) (50)
6 Pullups (20 lb vest)
6 Sets

Eugene 4:15
Loree 4:35

Wednesday May 24, 2006

Me Love You Long Time

Scott: 71:11
Loree: 55:17

Tuesday May 23, 2006

Me Love You Long Time

Eugene: 48:12
JD: 57:30
Tanya: 58:38

Monday May 22, 2006


Row 200
Push Press (50)
DL + Box Jump (140) (95)
Thruster (20)
Jennifer 17:40
Chandra 16:40

Band pulldowns
Ab Roller
Hollow rock

Ninja Mile
Scott 26:20
Jennifer 22:54
Chandra 22:54

Sat/Sun May 20, 21, 2006

15 mile bike ride each day.

Time to Strive for 65

You are cordially invited to join with the rest of the CrossFit Community in giving me as a birthday present on November 27th a single effort of pullups totalling 65. We did 50 last year and now the bar...if you will pardon the pun, has been raised. You have quite a bit of time to work on this incrdible feat and even if you "only" get half way there you will still be able to do twice as many pulups as most of America.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday May 19, 2006

CT ride 10 miles

Me Love You Long Time

Run ¼ mile
50 KB Snatches 25/25 (44)
50 D-Ball Slams (25)
50 Calories Rowing

Run ½ mile
40 KB Swings (44)
40 Pullups
40 Barbell Push Press (75)

Run ¾ mile
30 Ring Pushups
30 Power Cleans (95)
30 Wall Ball (20)

Run 1 mile
20 DB Thrusters (35)
20 Sand Bag Clean and Jerk (50)
20 Dbl. KB Push Press (44)

Took me 55:30. Didn't want to subject anybody to this one till I gave it a try. The first block took 11:38, the second 11:22 and the third and fourth both took 16:15.

Thursday May 18, 2006


Ninja's Mile in 24:16

Band Pull
Ab Roller
Hollow Rock

3 x 8

Got my CT fixed and hammered a quick 10 miler

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wednesday May 17, 2006

Ninja's Mile

Run 400
21 KB Swings (52)
21 SDLHP (75)
21 KB Push Press (2 x 36)
Run 400
15 KB Snatch 15/15 (44)
15 Dips
15 Pullups
Run 400
9 Hex Bar DL + Jump (190)
9 Rage Ball + Burpee
9 Dbl. KB C & J (44)
Run 400

Eug: 18:40, Jennifer: 23:32, Bob 21:52

Tuesday May 16, 2006

Mae West
3 reps at each of 8 stations for 3 trips around the tires
Bob in 13:33, Loree in 12:04

Run 40 yards 5 pushps
2 hand KB swing (44) (36)
Run 40 yards 5 squats
Run 40 yards 5 jumping burpees
Ring pushups

Reps of 12-8-6

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Monday May 15, 2006

Mae West

Eug 10:00
Jennifer 11:20 (adjusted weights)
Tanya 11:56

2 minute snatch
Jennifer (26) 46
Eug (36) 66

Assorted KB overhead work with press, push press and push jerk. Split snatch.

Suhday May 14, 2006

Mae West x 3 laps for time

Loree 11:30
Eug 10:33

Snatches for 2 minutes

Loree (26) 41
Eug (44 (47)

Misc. KB lifts

Friday May 12, 2006

SWAT Training

SDLHP (85 lb barbell)
Thruster (35 lb DB's)
Push Press (85 lb barbell)
Swings (52 lb KB)

For reps of 15-12-8

Erik 7:48
JD 7:51
Eug 8:20
Tom 9:13
Chris 9:20
Byron 9:58
Phil 12:39

Thursday May 11, 2006

H2H KB work
Dead Lifts on box
Assorted pressing lifts
Cleans and tire jump
Romanian DL

Knee ups
Band pulls
GHD Situps
Ab Roller
Hollow rock

2 times through of 8 reps each

Thursday May 11, 2006

H2H KB work
Dead Lifts on box
Assorted pressing lifts
Cleans and tire jump
Romanian DL

Knee ups
Band pulls
GHD Situps
Ab Roller
Hollow rock

2 times through of 8 reps each

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Wednesday May 10, 2006

AM Bob and Me

Run 400
DL (190) + Tire Jump
2 hand swing (52 lb KB)
Rageball (25) + Tire Jump

Reps of 15-12-8 each set preceeded by the run
Eug: 16:50 Bob: 21:15

DB Thruster
A butchered Fran with 5 sets of 7 reps each. Bob used 25's and a blue band, I used 35's.
Eug: 4:25 Bob: 6:15

PM Scott did Jacobs Ladder in 53:25

Tuesday May 9, 2006

Early Am Micah - Jacob's Ladder in 36:55

AM Tanya - Pauline in 12:38

PM Loree
Run 400
DL (95) + Tire Jump
2 hand KB swings (36)
Rageball (25) + Tire Jump

Reps of 15-12-8 in 17:27

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Monday May 8, 2006

Another go with Jacob's Ladder (Can you tell I like this one?)

Eug 35:20 with a couple brief waits for the weights. That makes it a tie for the time between the regular way and the Mod 1.
Tanya 53:40 with the full weights except for 36 lb KB in the Dbl C & J, and 25 lb DB for the Colleen and Jerk - no bands for the pullups.
Bob 55 something with a few drops in weights from a left arm issue.

Sunday May 7, 2006

Brian, Chandra and Me

Big tire with a Hex bar loaded to 190#, a 25 lb D-ball, a 95 lb barbell and a pair of 35 lb dumbbells surrounding it. Two laps of 30 seconds at each station: DL + tire jump, rage ball, Clean and Jerk + tire jump and Colleen and Jerk with burpee and tire jump.

Reps of 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of DB Thruster + pullups. I did it with 35's and a 20 lb vest and that worked me pretty good.

Saturday May 6, 2006

Loree did Jacob's Ladder Mod 1 in 40 minutes. I timed how long she spent under load, actually exercising in that 40 minutes and 26 minutes of it was actually spent working the rest was moving between exercises or sucking wind.

Friday May 5, 2006

3 mile run with Chandra

Chandra and Jennifer

25 lb ball, 25 lb DB and 65 lb BB on each side of a big tire
Rage ball x 1, C & J + jump x 2 and Colleen and Jerk + jump for 4 rounds

DB thrusters (25)
Tire Jump
For reps of 12-8-6

In the afternoon Gary and I did Jacob's Ladder with Gary doing it the original way in 55:15 while I did it with the Mod 1 in 35 minutes.

Thursday May 4, 2006

Brian did Olivia in 18:00. Ab work after.

I did thruster practice because I stink at them.
40 x 4, 35 x 5, 44 x 6, 30 x 10
50 x 7 then 7 pullups with 20 lb vest
40 x 7 then 7 pullups with 20 lb vest - left vest on
35 x 7 + pullups
30 x 7 + pullups

Wednesday May 3, 2006

Jacob's Ladder

Keith 49:05
Loree 44:40 (lighter loads)

Tuesday May 2, 2006


Jennifer - Jacob's Ladder first 3 exercises of each set

Eug 37:00
Brian C. 53:25 with 5 reps less each set except the last one

Monday, May 08, 2006

Jacob's Ladder

Here is the new and improved Jacob's Ladder and the one from which all modifications will be done.

25 Wall Ball
25 Row (Calories)
25 Ball Slams (25 lb ball)
25 Power Cleans (115 lbs)
25 KB Swings (52 lbs)

20 DB Thrusters (35 lbs)
20 Pullups
20 Hammer Hits to Tire
20 KB Snatches (44 lbs) 10/10
20 Ring Pushups

15 Push Press (85 lbs)
15 Clean and Jerk (105 lbs)
15 Hex Bar DL/Box Jumps (190 lbs) (20” box)
15 GHD Situps
15 Barbell Snatches (75 lbs)

10 Front Squat (85 lbs)
10 KB Swing/Flip – SDLHP/Squat/Throw
10 Pullups
10 KB Double Clean and Jerk (44 lbs)
10 Ring Dips

5 Road Rage
5 Pushup/Pullup/Rollup
5 Colleen and Jerk with Burpee
5 HSPU (Hand Stand Pushup)
5 Snatch/Back Squat/Thruster/Front Squat

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Monday May 1, 2006

Mae West x 2

Jacob's Ladder

Gary 14:01/11:26
Chandra 14:21/9:20
Jennifer 14:22/11:08

Loree in the afternoon

Roadrage 3:08

Elizabeth (sorta)
Clean (50)
Ring Pushups for 21-15-9

Helen in 12:26 with a longish run

Sunday April 30, 2006

Mae West x 2

Jacob's Ladder (20, 15, 10, 5 reps of OHS with a 10lb pipe, swings, ring pushups, pullups) for four sets alternating the exercises so each is done for each rep count. One set is done top to bottom, rest for 2 minutes and repeat bottom to top.

Micah 9:05/12:00
Eug 8:26/8:43
Loree 8:56/9:43
Keith 10:32/12:04
Bob 11:20/13:53
Brian 16:38/19:21

Friday April 28, 2006

Road Rage - Tanya in 2:14

Back Squats 75 x 10, 95 x 10, 125 x 10, 145 x 6, 165 x 4, 115 x 20

PM Group

Tire Rotation - 25 lb ball at 3 and 9 on a big tire and 35 lb dumbbells at 12 and 6. Four rotations doing rage ball and Colleen and Jerk with a burpee at the appropriate station.

Back Squats as above with appropriate weights for Bob, Keith, Scott and Loree.