Saturday, October 06, 2007

Wednesday October 3, 2007

Glen Carpenter is a fellow SWAT Team member and a high order, hard charging, PNW Muay Thai Cruiser weight champion fighter who taught at the state academy, is a firearms and DT instructor and an assistant TL on our team. Uber cop. Anyway we did the following workout the other day and by some weird alignment of the stars I beat him. Glen is certain this is an anomoly and that when we do it again he will beat me. "I'll just row faster" was his basic plan. He decided to name the workout:

Glen's Dream

Row 500
Push Press 95 x 10
DL + BJ (DL followed by a box jump for each rep to 30" box) 190 lbs
Ring pushups x 10
Air Squats x 20

Eugene 15:31
Glen 16:05
Lance 17:53
Bob 21:08

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