Sunday, March 30, 2008

Friday March 28th, /562008

SWAT Training - Ya Gotta Tabata

Air Squats
Push Press with a 45 lb bar
Snatch with a 36 lb KB

We had 8 people so we did 4 guys at a time switching after each set of Tabata's. The first score is all the reps added up and the second is the Tabata score total.

Frank 581/69
Chris 476/56
Eugene 473/55
Kevin 450/50
Tom 488/47
Byron 455/47
Mark 429/42
Doc 376/37

Lance and Alex did a Hairball

Back Squat 5 x 5
Box Jump x 10
Clean and Jerk 5 x 5
Pullups x 10
Walking KB lunges 2 x 36 lb KB's

Lance 26:04
Alex 26:50


Derek 6:00
Cathy 6:00

Compare with Monday for Derek's first effort at Baseline with a Pukie visit and 15:30


Derek 3;53
Cathy 3:56

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