Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday February 15, 2009

I did a 2 hour class for a tri club group this morning and in addition to a basic primer on CrossFit principles, they also did Tabata Squats, a bunch of ab work and agility movements, they learned how to clean and then push jerk a slam ball, and in the end they did


Art 11:32
Larry 11:51
Monique 12:48
Dirk 12:50
Nancy 13:13
Conrad 13:30
Greg 13:37
Sammie 13:38
Micah 13:54
Jen 14:14
Alex 14:14
Emily 14:28

That's my little 6 year old Sammie up there, she did the workout with them but I don't think she did the entire run or all of the reps. She just likes to do the movements with everyone. The group did much better than I was expecting them to and many of them had much better core strength that I thought they would.

In the afternoon Lance did the Starting Strength workout replacing weighted squats with lots of air squats. His back won't put up with weight on his shoulders. Andy did Linda with 185 for the Bench, 280 for the DL and 140 for the Power Clean in 28:36which is a 3 minute improvement on his previous time. The metcon workout was the choice of Jeff, Colin and Sheri:

Death to the Infidel

Run 400
30 Air Squat
15 Pullups
10 Clean and Jerk (115)
5 Ring Dips
3 rounds for time

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