Thursday, March 06, 2008

Tuesday March 4, 2008

ME Day with Back Squat and Bench Press

A Lindaesque workout with the BS first then BP with reps of 10, 9, 9...1.

Eugene 135 to 205 in the Squat and 135 to 175 in the Bench
Stuart 205 to 245 and 185 to 205
Scott 135 to 225 and 95 to 175 (Shoulder issues)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Back Squat Bench
135 135
145 145
155 155
185 165
195 175
205 185 (4+1)
225 190 (3+1)
255 195 (2+1)
275 205
295 225 (only able to complete w/ a spotter)

It took approx. 28 minutes to complete the workout.

Note: the 4+1 meant that I was able to do four reps and then I had to set the bar down for a moment, shake the arms and then I did one more rep to complete the set. I didn't have a spotter until the last rep.