Thursday, February 05, 2009

Thursday January 5, 2008

Super Strength Workout B

Back Squat 3 x 5
Military Press 3 x 5
Power Clean 3 x 5
Pullups 3 x 15
Weighted Situps
Weighted Back Extensions

Scott 285, 135, 185
Eugene 190, 95, 135
Lance xx 95, 135

Fractured Runny Angie

Jennifer 31:17

Jennifer has been training with me for years since I first opened CFPC in my garage and one of her long running comments as regards her time or the weight she lifts is how neither will have any effect on her tomorrow. As a result she has never been one to really go looking for Pukie. Until today. After her workout Jennifer was sitting down and as I walked by her she nearly ran me over on her way to the bathroom for her first visit with Pukie. I should have a button for her. Way to go Jennifer, that's a badge of courage in a CF gym.

SS for

Stuart 280, 135, 155
Brandon 295, 165, 205
Derek 155, 80, 115

Queasy Bear

Bear 5, 4, 3 (95)
DB Thrusters (35)
Push Press (95)
15, 12, 9

Grant 13:28

A new young man came into the gym tonight, BJ, and I explained to him and his Mom the whole CF story and when we do. At the end he hammered out:


Row 500
40 Air Squats
30 Situps
20 Pushups
10 Pullups

In 6:55. He worked hard for that and suffered the most with the pullups. That seems more often than not the Achille's Heel of most new folks.


ask.jennifer said...

Isn't that deserving enough to have a workout named after me??!!!!

ask.jennifer said...

Isn't that deserving enough to have a workout named after me??!!!!