Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Monday November 13, 2006

AM Swim with Elizabeth

600 pull
250 under/under (hypoxic swims)
500 drill (ea x 100 - no hands on side, one arm extended on side, slow exchange with arm extended, zipper drill, fist drill)
400 main as 25 x 2, 50, 100 for two sets on the 30, 1:00, 2:00
250 cool down

Afternoon workout:

5 ball rotationg rage ball around tire for two laps

5/5 KB Snatch
10 Ball Slams
10 Hammer Hits
10 Pullups
10 Ring Pushups
x 3

Eugene, 5:00, Stuart 6:54, Dayna 7:42, Alyse 7:57, Loree 8:02

Heavy KB Lifts

2 x 44 lb KB
2 x 52 lb KB
1 x 61 lb KB (I only have one)

Press x 8, then push press x 6 then push jerk times 4 with each hand

1 x 52
1 x 61
1 x 70

Press x 8 then push press x 6 then push jerk x 4 with right then come back for the same reps with the left hand

2 x 44
2 x 52
1 x 61
1 x 70

Reps of 10, 8, 6, 4 for the 2 hand clean for the first two then one hand clean for the second two

1 x 52
1 x 61
1 x 70
1 x 88

Reps of 8, 7, 6, 5 for the one hand clean using the same arm for new set with no rest in-between and the repeating with the other arm.

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