Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monday November 20, 2006

Early morning swim with Elizabeth

1000 pull with buoy (500 for Elizabeth)
500 under/overs
500 drill
200 pull with buoy
25 x 2 on 30 sec
50 on 1 min
100 on 2 min
100 pull

Shortened main set, had to be out of the water at 0650.

1100 Marci

EZ 500 row
Tabata squats for 6 sets first was 14 final score was 8.
Rage ball for 6 ez efforts. Pushups on knees.
Row 250 then press, push press then push jerk with 35 lb barbell x 2
Jumping pullups, swings, wall ball 2 x 10
Light DB's overhead with sit ups
Abmat situps


4 ball rage ball rotation around tire x 3 laps

Row 250 then barbell press, push press, push jerk for 5 reps each. Loree and Eugene paired up and Bob and Alyse paired up. Guys had 95 lbs, Loree had 35 and Alyse had 60 for the first set 70 for the second two. Three times through for time. L and E 7:25, B and A 7:37.

Max pullups followed by max Wall Ball for one minute each x 3.

Eugene - pullups 32, 35, 37 wall ball 22, 20, 25 for a total of 171
Bob - pullups 25, 30, 25 (blue) wall ball 20, 21, 20 for a total of 131
Alyse - pullups 13, 13, 14 (grn) wall ball 32, 32, 32, (12) for a total of 136
Loree - pullups 25, 23, 22 (blue) wall ball 26, 25, 28 (12) for a total of 149

Dynamax situp drills and at the end 15 DB overhead situps. Love those.

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