Friday, July 25, 2008

Tuesday July 22, 2008

Day 2 of my Kennewick trip. Gave my AS talk in the morning then drove 4 hours back to Tacoma. I got a bit of packing done and then people started showing up at the gym. That put an end to my packing. Since it was Tuesday it was a strength day and it was Back Squat/Bench day for Stuart who did 185 x 20 for the squat and then multiple bench sets descending with 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5. Erin and Candace did a great job with the back squat with Erin getting to 85 lbs and Candace to 130 at a bodyweight of 127. She was very happy with that. Dayna, Gia and Derek did:

Finger in the Eye

Dayna 33:28
Gia 36:36
Derek 38:24

1 comment:

Unknown said...

35:07. Two and half minutes slower than last time...but rowing machine was busted, so did it by time. 5mins for 1k,and 2:30 for 500m. Best guess at the time. Push Press was 115lbs. Not happy with time, but still a butt kicker