Monday, December 08, 2008

Monday December 8, 2008


DL+Box jump (190
Push Press (95)

Emily 7;18 (75/Grn/35)
Brandy 6:53 (75/Grn/35)
Phil 5:35
Eug 7:38
Stuart 7:37
Bob 10:14
Lance 7:37
Kyle 11:59 65/Grn/25)

Road Rage

Burpee to 25 lb ball, squat clean, thruster, slam
Jump on big tire
Flip big tire
Jump through big tire
Repeat for 10 rounds

Brandy 4:13 (20 lb ball on one side, 15 on da udder)
Emily 3:39 (same)
Stuart 1:57 (At 50 seconds he had done 5)
Eugene 2:01
Bob 3:00
Lance 2:06
Kyle 5:14 (10 yrs old, 15/20 lb slam balls, did a ball slam with a 25 for the tire flip)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On 12-9:
I did CROSSFIT's WOD first.
Double Unders
Sit Ups
My time: 8:20
then I did UMA

DL & Box Jump (190)
Pull Ups
Push Press (95)
My time: 7:32