Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday January 26, 2009

After Half and Half was Partner Rage Box which is Rage Ball with a toss to your partner on the other side of a jump box instead of a ball slam followed by a jump onto the box.

Partner Rage Box

2:49 Jennifer and Lance
2;21 Scott and Bob
1:39 Brandon and Stuart

Half and Half

Hang Squat Clean (95)
Push Jerk (95)

Scott 4:09
Lance 9:56
Jennifer 8:24
Bob 11:52
Stuart 6:19

Aches and Pains

Run 400
50 Lunges
50 Situps
50 Air Squats
50 KB Swings (36)

4 Rounds with the reps decending by 10 each time.

Brenda 33:48

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