Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday January 15, 2008

Jacob's Ladder Mod 1

Bob 45:08
John 51:42

While Bob and John did Jacob's Ladder Ashleigh and I did Blurred Vision. Lance and Phil did BV during the morning class.

Blurred Vision

Row (Calories)
Hang Power Snatch (75)
Wall Ball (20)
Ring Pushups
Push Press (85)
Rounds of 15-12-8

Phil 11:11
Eugene 14:58
Lance 16:49
Ashleigh 19:02

John is a captain and an Army Aviator and will be taking off for some training at Ft. Campbell and will be tearing it up at at a CF facility out that way soon. I hope Campbell has something for him as he will be very busy with his school.

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