Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday January 25, 2009

Here is the video from yesterday of Amory, a UPS rower, pulling for 50 calories at 1,600 calories per hour. He looks like he is doing a leisurely pull, much as I would if pulling say 700 or 800 calories per hour. Were I to pull 1,600 per hour, in fact if I could pull that much, I would look like I was being flooged with angry cats. Maybe the secret is bare feet.

Busy day today. Paul and Jeff came and worked on their Olympic lifts while several other workouts were being done.

Half and Half

Hang Squat Clean (95)
Push Jerk (95)

Will 4:24
Brandon 45:50
Andy 6:59
Dione 7:11 (45)
Sheri 7:13 (45)
Sonya 7:32 (45)
Colin 9:19

Row 500
DB Thrusters (2 x 25)
Ball Slams (30)

Lance 12:00
Jennifer 15:50
Kyle 17:02

Partner Rage Box (30)

Ball Slam
Burpee to ball
Squat clean Thruster/throw ball to partner
Jump onto box

When you come down off the box you wait for your partner to throw the ball to you then you catch, press and slam the ball and take your turn. Do 10 rounds for time

Dione/Sonya 2:52

While I was giving Sonya the chalk talk about CrossFit Will was helping Andy with his muscle up. Andy is very strong and can climb the ropes with one hand on each rope. His pull on the rings was plenty high and it was evident he had plenty of strength for the movement. Problem was he was kipping out of synch with is pull and not quite in the right direction. Will did a great job of coaching him and also demonstrated the movement beautifully. Here are the pointers I gave Andy that seemed to help him along. Belly button to the ceiling in front, elbows to the ceiling in back, head through the window and headbutt the wall in front. It is difficult to pull your hands down and around so that you get your shoulders on top but if you think of driving your elbows back and up just opposite the way you drive your elbows forward and up when you clean the hands just naturally follow the right path. Andy kept at it and clearly was not going home until he got it and in just a few reps he joined the every growing muscle up club. Well done Andy.

New tonight was Sonya a friend of Dione's who did a great job as a walk in with Half and Half. She and Dione were the only ones to do Rage Box and she also did Ab Mat situps, GHD situps, floor wipers, VASA swim trainer ab pulls, the ab roller and some knee ups on the rings. Brandon's wife Sheri came to play again and demonstrated an impecable push jerk on her very first try. How many times have you ever seen that? I'm going to video her push jerk as the's that good. The chicks are taking over the place.

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