Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday January 11, 2008

Dione came to play again today and I found out she has lost 100 lbs. One Huuuundred pounds. That's like another whole person. Amazing. She got down with Renaissance and finished in 29:51 using a 25 lb ball, 15 lb dumbbells and a 40 lb barbell. Great work.

While she did that Will, Jeff and John did Clean and Jerks for 8 sets of 3 and then fat bar deadlifts for 8 sets of 3 with each set followed by a 4 foot tall tire jump. Will got up to 315 with the dead lift and 235 for Jeff and John. In the C & J Jeff got to 175, John 135 and Will 195. Great lifts all.

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