Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tuesday September 4, 2007


Band Sprints to Cone
100 lb log clean + 2 presses
Sledgehammer hits to big tire
Tire flips
Weighted tire drag (truck tire with 88 lbs inside)
Rage box (Burpee to 40 lb slam ball, squat clean, thruster, slam, box jump)

1 minute work time
10 seconds to change stations (the Ross Boxing clock works great for this)
1 minute off after 6 stations
3 rounds for max reps

Ab work:

V-sit ball pass hands to feet (4 or 6 lb Dynamax ball) 10-8-6
Twisted knees to elbows (knees to elbows but twist sideways right knee to left elbow and vice versa) 6 reps each set
Hanging leg circles (similar to windshield wipers but 360 degrees around the clock face from 6 o'clock to 6 o'clock clockwise then the same ccw) 6 reps each set.
15 lb plate bent knee v-sit twists 20 reps
3 rounds

Eugene, Stuart, Dayna, Alyse, Lance, Jennifer, Alex

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