Saturday, July 19, 2008

Saturday July 19, 2008

Lance DL 10, 9, 8...1
210 All sets
Squats 15 @ 135

Sweater of Discomfort

Row 500
Push Press 50
Row 400
Push Press 40
Row 300
Push Press 30
Row 200
Push Press 20
Row 100
Push Press 10
Once through for time

Stuart 11:39
Ben 13:32

Pain Compliance

400 M Run
Push Press (75)
Single arm KB swing (36 pounds – # reps per side)
Single arm OH Squat (45 Pounds - # reps per side)

Jeff 17:17


Anonymous said...

I did Pain Compliance on 7-21. I used 85lbs for the Push Presses. I used a 35lb DB for the one arm swings and a 45lb DB for the one arm OH Squats. They were surprisingly challenging. My time was 21:44.

Unknown said...

Ah, the mighty Warthog... My little bro is going on to fly those things.

Dementia destroyed me today Gene. 55:53

Anonymous said...

yeah, so I did the numbers wrong, I only did 21-15-9 total on the KB stuff instead of per side