Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


1000 meter row
100 Push Press (75)
100 Snatches (36) switch hands as desired

800 meter run
80 KB Push Jerk (36)
80 Situps

500 meter row
50 Double Unders
50 SDLHP (75)

400 meter run
40 Pullups
40 Ring Pushups

250 meter row
25 Thrusters (2 x 25)
25 Box Jumps

200 meter run
20 Ball slams (30)
20 Wall ball (20)

100 meter row
10 Squat Clean Thruster (95)
10 Ring Dips

Once Through for Time

Grant 51:20
Morgan 56:04
Eugene 56:54
Dayna 57:25
Stuart 1:00:30
Toni 1:01:33
Lance 1:03:00
Alex 1:03:00
Thatcher 1:14:32

Our Epic for the month, Dementia, is just a brutally long hammer fest. Grant went last after everyone had left and had the gym to himself, and as usual, he ate our lunch. Grant is a 20 year old Ft. Lewis Artillery soldier. He is 5' 6" or so and 160 lbs of fast twitch hammering muscle...and on top of that his endurance is fabulous as well. Lance and Alex went first this morning and posted their 63 minute time for us to shoot for. Alex at 14 and 145 lbs is using the same weight as everyone else. He is going to a monster by the time he is 16.


Jeff said...

I got to work out with bumper plates today, so I took the opportunity to do some heavier work and threw in some squats and pull-ups for fun.

Power Squats 150lbs.
Pull-ups (continuous clock) - 1,2,..10
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 last one at 215lbs.

Anonymous said...

Grant has got to be a super-human freak! 51 minutes?! I did Dementia on 7-19 and it took me 1:04:04. However, I think I can subtract 7 minutes for my commute time between the Rowing machines and the other room (at Bally's). My time would be much better as a result. However, I couldn't drop another 6 minutes. I was smoked!