Saturday, October 11, 2008

Catch up

Monday October 6, 2008

Half and Half
Hang Squat Clean
Push Jerk (95)

Stuart 7:09
Ben 8:47
Bob 9:54 (75)

Tuesday October 7, 2008

GI Gran (Herm from CrossFit Los Altos stopped by and put up this workout)

Clean and Jerk (135)
Burpee Pullups

Herm 11:09
Ben 11:59
Hopper 14:21

Wednesday October 8, 2008

Rude Awakening

Ben 20:42 (Squat 245, Bench 230, DL 345)
Bob 21:54 (Sqt 165, Bench 175, DL 225)

Thursday October 9, 2008


Ben 7:22
Bob 10:25

Saturday October 11, 2008


Jeff 8:44

Ben did some back squats and benches


Anonymous said...

Eug! Sorry we missed each other. I promise to actually shake your hand next time. You guys have an awesome facility! That will be the site of some epic workouts and challenges in the near future, I can guarantee it!

One critique: You should free up some wall space for HSPUs! Ben needs to work on them, so he can Rx WODs like Diane and Nate!

Anonymous said...

I did Rude Awakening on 10-15.
Dead Lift-295 (should've been 255)