Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday October 15, 2008

Jacob's Ladder

Brenda 45:58
Eugene 43:21
Lance 48:30
Gia 57:42 (95 DL, 75 C&J/PP, 20 lb KB, 35 BB Sn)
Emily 5:08 (very light everything)
Baron 51:40 (44 lb Flip and Dip and Swings)
Josh 58:43 (44 lb swings, frnt squat and bear 75)


Unknown said...

On 10/17 46:26 (This includes weight changing times, only one bar available)
Power Cleans(X25),Clean and Jerk(X15) Front Squat(X10) were all done with 135lbs
DB Swing(X25) and DB Snatch(X20) were both done with 50bls
DB Thruster(X20) DB Push Press(X15) DB C&J(X10) and DB C&J/Burpee/Box Jump(X5) were all done with 35lbs

Slower than last time 5/27 -44:50. 2 weeks off from appendectomy kicked my butt.

Anonymous said...

I did this on 10-22.

My total time was 42:22. Subtract 2:00 for commute time and changing weights on the bar for a more realistic time of 40:22. However, I couldn't do the real Road Rage as I didn't have a tire so I just used a bar to lift, set down, etc...