Saturday, April 12, 2008

Friday April 11, 2008


0600 Freefall

Ring Dips
Snatch (44) #L/#R
Thrusters (2 x 25)
Clean and Jerk (95)
10, 9, 8...1

Frank 22:15
Eugene 23:33
Tom 24:25
Chris 29:26 (115) (30)
Kevin 29:27
Byron 31:18
Rich 35:10

After training I joined Alex, Lance and Scott for an ME day with Military Press and Deadlift done as a Hairball.

Military Press 5 x 5
Pullups x 10
Deadlift 5 x 5
Tire Run to or from mailbox (50m)

Alex and Lance in 15:28
Scott and Eugene 18:20

Just after we finished with that Derek showed up and I had him do Freefall which he struggled thorugh in 44:03. He used a green band for the pullups, 75 for the clean and jerk and 36 for the snatch. For about his 8th workout or so that is not a bad performance at all.

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