Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday April 24, 2008

Vest of Tribulation

Row 500/Run 400 (alternate each round)
40 Push Press (75)
15 Pullups
15 Ring Pushups
4 Rounds for time

Ben 22:00
Alex 23:28
Lance 25:58
Jennifer 28:28

Fight Gone Bad

Stuart 348 (PR and gym best)
Cris 292
Biff 260


Anonymous said...

I did this one on 4-25. The counter on the rowing machine didn't work so I had to guess. I rowed for 2:15 the first round. I then rowed 2:45 for the second round. I then had to take off about three minutes for commuting to and from the rowing machine. My time was somewhere around 23:31.

Unknown said...

Did this on 04/28, time 30:15. Subbed 25# weighted dips for ring push ups, cause no rings, and did 95lbs push press to add to punishment.