Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday November 15, 2008

Unholy Alliance

Back Squat (135)
KB Snatch (52) 5L 5R
Row (Calories)
BB Push Press (95)
DB Thrusters (35)
BB Hang Power Clean (95)
Wall Ball (20)
Deadlift (140)
KB Clean and Jerk ( 2 x 44)

* = Box Jumps and Ring Pushups
Rounds of 10-8-6

Phil 33:13
Eugene 30:26
Emily 33:18
Josh 35:12
Grant 29:11
Bob 42:26
Jeff 31:07
Paul DNF 10's half of 8's and stopped because of shoulder
Stefan Met with Pukie but continued and stopped after 10's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unholy Alliance on 11-18. I used 55lb DBs for snatches and 45lb DBs for the clean and jerks. I also used my 25lb ball for the wall ball. 37:04 for the total time but if I take away 6:00 for the commute time then my time would be closer to 31:04. I also had to change weights.