Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wednesday April 30, 2008


Thrusters (35)
Push Press (75)


5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

Eugene 7:04 23+5+10+1
Lance 8:16
Alex 8:27 28+5+10
Ben 8:31 20+3+10
Toni 9:45

"That's a whole lotta suck" Toni

Tuesday April 29, 2008


Dumbell Snatch (25)
Dumbell Clean and Jerk (25)
Bear Crawl across street and back

Do all 15 snatches with both hands, all clean and jerks with both hands and then crawl across the street and back. Then the 12's and then the 9's.

Eugene 5:37
Ben 5:58
Toni 6:34
Alex 6:14
Brandon 7:25
Jennifer 8:03
Rebecca 9:23
Lance 6:05
Derek 8:23
Mike 8:38

ME Day Press, Power Clean, Bench Press 5 x 5
We did each lift in turn with the 5 x 5 format adding weight each time.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Monday April 28, 2008


250 Row
5 Squat Thrust Pushup - Squat Clean Thruster (2 x 36)
10 Push Press (95)
20 Alternating Anchored Snatch (2 x 36)
10 Tire Rage - Burpee to ball, squat clean, thruster, slam jump through tire
3 Rounds for Time

Lance 19:22 (no STP)
Ben 16:07
Stuart 16:34
Eugene 17:33
Alex 18:27

Grant 16:59

Grant was late today and did this one by himself but still managed a great time. He is recovering from stress fractures in his ankles and had to step down from the tire jumps which slowed him down a bit.

Later in the evening Chris Hoffman showed up to give CrossFit a try and managed to do Baseline in 5:33 - Row 500, 40 Air Squats, 30 Situps, 20 Pushups and 10 Pullups. We did some other movements to demo what CrossFit is about and as is generally the case he was very impressed with the program and eager to take it on.

Sunday April 27, 2008

Glen's Dream

500 Meter Row
10 Axel Bar Press (95)
10 DL + Box Jump (190)
10 Ring Pushups
20 Air Squats
3 Rounds for Time

Ben 13:03
Grant 13:24

What a race this was. Ben outweighs Grant by about 100 lbs and is about 10" taller but Grant still managed to be breathing down Ben's neck the whole time. Ben's big advantage was during the row. I think I would have a stroke if I was trying to keep up with these monsters.

Saturday April 26, 2008

Vest of Tribulation

500 Meter Row
40 Push Press (75)
15 Pullups
15 Ring Pushups
4 Rounds for Time

Grant 20:21

Difficult to do all by yourself but Grant was smoking along with this one and managed to beat everyone's time. He is such a metcon machine.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Friday April 25, 2008


The early morning SWAT workout was with Chris, Tom, Frank, Rich, Kevin and me and was a KB workout. We did all the basic movements plus some H2H stuff and at the end I lined up pairs of 36, 44, 52, and 61 lb KB's for reps of 3, 6, 9, 12 from heavy to light and then the other way reversing the reps. Then I took away the 36s and put out the 72 and did it one handed for the same reps. Quite the finisher.

The afternoon workout was a Hairball with a Deadlift and Clean and Jerk combo out on the street followed by a tire pull up the hill for about 25 yards each way. We did our 5 reps ran the tire, 5 reps with the other exercise and ran the tire again and repeated that a total of 5 times each. Killer. Lance and I used 230 and 125, Ben used 295 and 145 and Alex used 135 and 95.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday April 24, 2008

Vest of Tribulation

Row 500/Run 400 (alternate each round)
40 Push Press (75)
15 Pullups
15 Ring Pushups
4 Rounds for time

Ben 22:00
Alex 23:28
Lance 25:58
Jennifer 28:28

Fight Gone Bad

Stuart 348 (PR and gym best)
Cris 292
Biff 260

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday April 23, 2008


Thrusters (75)
Power Cleans (105)
Ring Pushups

Grant 9:28
Eugene 11:34
Ben 11:59
Lance 12:29
Biff 13:35
Alex 14:26

36 lb KB
Swing-Snatch-Swing-Swing flip to other hand x 10
Burpee-Squat Clean Thruster-Snatch x 6
Lawnmower Snatch-Around the body Pass, Uppercut pass x 6
Pairs of 61, 52, 44 and 36
Reps of 3, 6, 9, 12 for two hand push press from high to low
Then 12, 9, 6, 3 for one hand push press

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday April 22, 2008

ME Day Box Squat, Bench Press, Power Clean
2 reps per set for 10 sets

The idea here was to work up to, within the first 2 or 3 sets, a weight in each of the lifts that you could squeeze out 2 and maybe a 3 but not 4 reps with. The rest length was just however long it took to change the weights from the other lifers and git er done. There was 20 lbs of chain weight in addition to the squat weight shown for all but Alex and Toni.

Biff 295 230 185
Eugene 205 185 145
Lance 185 195 145
Cris 155 155 115
Alex 120 130 115
Toni 120 100 110

Monday April 21, 2008

Double Play

500 meter row
40 Air Squats
30 Situps
20 Pushups
10 Pullups
2 Rounds for time


7 Thrusters
7 Burpees
7 Pullups
5 Rounds for time

Grant 8:57 + 5:33 = 14:30
Cris 9:59 + 5:45 = 15:44
Ben 10:01 + 6:36 = 16:37
Gene 9:57 + 6;57 = 16:44
Alex 9:41 + 7:19 = 17:00
Lance 10:47 + 7:27 = 18:14
Toni 10:25 + 8:27 = 18:52
Biff 12:23 + 7:15 = 19:38

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunday April 20, 2008

Fire Down Below

Woman Scorned

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday April 19, 2008

ME Day

Woman Scorned (Just say the rest of the saying)

Log Push Press
10, 8, 8...1
Add 5 lbs for each set
Pullups with 20 lb vest
Ring Pushups with 20 lb vest
1, 2, 3...10 for both

Clean and Jerk
1, 2, 3...10
Take off 5 lbs for each set
Pullups with 20 lb vest
Ring Pushups with 20 lb vest
10, 9, 8...1 for both

Lance and I started with 75 lbs for the Push Press for the log, going up to 125 and I think we could have started gone 85 to 135. For the Clean and Jerk we started at 135 because we that that was our max. Apparently it is not because it was too easy. We could have done 145 down to 95. As it was we did the last two sets with 95rather than changing to 90. Ben and Stuart did 135 to 185 on the log and 140 to 190 for the clean and jerk. Just as with Artificial Limp and Heavily Armed, Fire Down Below and Woman Scorned is a great pairing.

In fact, the pairing gave me an idea for another step up in the Short, Medium, Long and Epic workout sequence. The new beyond Epic workout will be called an Odyssey. An Odessey will be an Epic plus a Long or another Epic.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday April 18, 2008

ME Day

Fire Down Below

Box Squat
10, 9, 8...1
Box jumps from a full squat
1, 2, 3...10
Air squat with a jump at the top
1, 2, 3...10

1, 2, 3...10
Box jumps from a full squat
10, 9, 8...1
Air squat with a jump at the top
10, 9, 8...1

For both exercises we selected a weight we were sure we could do for 10 reps. Then in the case of the box squats we started there and in the case of the deadlifts we added 50 lbs and started with that. For the box squats we added 5 lbs as we added each rep and for the deadlifts we took off 5 lbs as we went up in reps. Lance, Stuart, Ben and me for this one.

Total smoker. The box jumps from a full squat were murder.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday April 17, 2008


DL BJ (190)
Push Press

5 Tire Jumps
10 2-Hand Swings (52)
15 Hammer Hits to tire
5 rounds for time

Ben 7:50 4:54
Grant 7:01 4:51 (No BJ did air squats - ankle)
Alex 9:27 5:03
Lance 9:18 4:58

Erik FGB 278

Wednesday April 16, 2008

Fight Gone Bad

Eugene 337
Ben 330
Grant 282
Alex 278
Lance 261
Jennifer 199

Tuesday April 15, 2008

ME day Military Press, Power Clean, Bench Press

Lance, Alex

Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday April 14, 2008

Me Love You Long Time

Run 1/4 mile
50 KB Snatch 25/25 (44 lbs)
50 D-Ball Slam (25)
50 Calories Rowing

Run ½ mile
40 KB Swings (44 lbs)
40 Pullups
40 Push Press (75)

Run ¾ mile
30 Ring Pushups
30 Hang Power Cleans (95)
30 Wall Ball

Run 1 mile
20 DB Thrusters (35)
20 Sandbag Clean and Jerk (35)
20 2-hand KB Push Press (44)

Once through for time

Ben 45:58
Alex 48:16
eugene 50:40
Toni 53:23
Lance 55:16
Erik 59:11
Derek 54:25 -10 reps per exercise

Kudos to both Ben and Alex for breaking 50 minutes...stellar performances for them both. The star of the day was Erik and his 59:11. This was Erik's first day and he was having nothing to do with my suggesting of doing half the reps or even 10 reps less per exercise. I hammered through with all the reps and his only weight adjustment was a 35 lb KB instead of a 44 because his snatch form was beating his arm to death. He had been training with John Velandra.

Sunday April 13, 2008

Just Ben and me for a gentle and very abbreviated trot through Me Love You Long Time with a short run and 10 reps only of each of the movements. I just wanted something to get us moving but not make us tired. We'll have plenty of that tomorrow.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Friday April 11, 2008


0600 Freefall

Ring Dips
Snatch (44) #L/#R
Thrusters (2 x 25)
Clean and Jerk (95)
10, 9, 8...1

Frank 22:15
Eugene 23:33
Tom 24:25
Chris 29:26 (115) (30)
Kevin 29:27
Byron 31:18
Rich 35:10

After training I joined Alex, Lance and Scott for an ME day with Military Press and Deadlift done as a Hairball.

Military Press 5 x 5
Pullups x 10
Deadlift 5 x 5
Tire Run to or from mailbox (50m)

Alex and Lance in 15:28
Scott and Eugene 18:20

Just after we finished with that Derek showed up and I had him do Freefall which he struggled thorugh in 44:03. He used a green band for the pullups, 75 for the clean and jerk and 36 for the snatch. For about his 8th workout or so that is not a bad performance at all.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday April 10, 2008


Ring Dips
KB Snatch (44)
Thruster (2 x 25)
Clean and Jerk (95)
Rounds of 10, 9, 8…1

Grant 23:26
Ben 23:48 (125)
Stuart 26:45 (115)
Lance 30:12
Alex 31:29
Toni 32:17
Scott 34:45

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Wednesday April 9, 2008

CFPC Workout
Made up a workout while I was trying to take a nap before work. I didn't name it until after I was part way though the first round. Because of what it felt like I decided on calling it:


100 Rope Jumps
50 Jumping Pullups
400 Meter Run
30 Air Squats
20 2-Hand Swings (52)
10 Pullups
5 Hang Power Cleans (115)

3 Rounds for Time

Eugene 19:30
Toni 19:45 (44) (85)
Ben 20:07 (135)
Lance 21:00
Alex 21:10 (44) (95)
Jennifer 23:09 (36) (60)
Stuart 23:50 (135)
Derek 27:42 (75)

This one was tough and it will go in the Long section of workout menu. Grant showed up late and did:

Blurred Vision

Row (Calories)
Hang Power Snatch (75)
Wall Ball (20)
Ring Pushups
Push Press (85)

Rounds of 15-12-9

Grant 14:54

Both workouts were very difficult but Grant has some stress fractures in his ankle and couldn't run or jump so this seemed like a good alternative.

Tuesday April 8, 2008

ME Day with Back Squats, Bench Press and Clean and Jerk

We did the squats and BP one after the other changing weights as we went. Ben and Stuart were pretty close in weight, Lance and I were the same on bench but because of back issues he did lighter leg work with Alex. After those lifts we did the clean and jerk in 5 sets of 3-2-1 reps raising the weight for each set. The C&J was much more fatiguing than the other lifts.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Monday April 7, 2008


Barbell Thrusters

Lance 5:32 (85)
Alex 6:22 (75)
Toni 7:34 (60)
Becca 7:40 (30)
Stuart 4:23 (95)
Eugene 4:42 (85)
Ben 5:44 (95)
Scott 6:48 (85)
Derek 9:45 (75)

Sunday April 6, 2008


Alex 7:34
Lance 7:58
Jennifer 8:35

Toni 7:19
Bob 7:17

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Saturday April 5, 2008


KB Snatch (44)
Ball Slams (40)
Wall Ball (20)
SDLHP (2 x 36 lb KB’s)
Rounds of 15-12-9

Ben 5:50
Eugene 6:17
Lance 6:58

KB work - lots of swing variations, release moves, H2H stuff and some heavy 2 and after than 1-hand push jerk and clean ladders.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Friday April 4, 2008

Supposed to be a strength day today be a new guy, Ben, showed up so I wanted him to do something a bit more fun. So we did:

Air Burst

5 BB Power Snatch (75)
10 Back Squat (135)
15 Push Press (85)
20 KB Snatch 10/10 (44)
25 Double Unders
50 Jumping Pullups
3 Rounds for Time

Eugene 13:32
Frank 14:10
Ben 16:39
Scott 17:17

Thursday April 3, 2008

Moving Day

Picture a rectangle with a bottom and top 50 yards in length and the sides the width of a street, 30 feet or so. In the bottom left corner is a big heavy tire and a 75 lb barbell. At the bottom right corner is a tire with a 26 lb KB inside and a 30 foot piece of rope. Top left is an 80 lb sandbag and top right is a squat rack with 185 lbs on the bar.

Start at the 75 lb bar, snatch it over head and walk/trot/run to the tire with the rope. Pull the rope hand over hand without moving your feet until the tire is at your feet, run to the end of the rope and repeat till you are back to the big tire. Flip the tire across the street to the sand bag, carry the sand bag to the rack, rack the 185 lbs onto your shoulders and walk to the big tire. Kick it, then return teh weight to the rack. Go to the sand bag and bring it back to the tire and so on until everything is back to their original spots.

Scott 8:33
Toni 9:33
Eugene 10:43

Wednesday April 2, 2008

Change Up

Run 400
25 Air Squats
20 Jumping Pullups
15 2-Hand Swings (44)
10 Situps
Row 500
10 Air Squats
15 Jumping Pullups
20 2-Hand Swings
25 Situps
Run 400
20 Air Squats
10 Jumping Pullups
25 2-Hand Swings
15 Situps
Row 500
15 Air Squats
25 Jumping Pullups
10 2-Hand Swings
20 Situps
1 round for Time

As it turns out this long turned into a medium:

Eugene 17:01
Toni 17:31
Bob 18:06

And we all thought it was too easy. Our solution was to make the swings 52 and the jumping pullups, regular pullups.

Tuesday April 1, 2008

Air Assault

Bob 32:12

ME Day Military Press/Power Clean
95, 100, 110, 115, 120

This was my 8th 5 x 5 workout and my 6th Power Clean workout so the weights happened to match up. Very tough press but not so tough for the cleans

Scott and me for this one

Derek came in later and did Military Press and Deadlifts

Cathy did 20 Pieces of Angie at her fire station in an amazing 17:50. That's 5 pullups, 5 pushups, 5 situps and 5 squats for 20 rounds. Only her 4th Crossfit workout...She's gonna be a monster.