Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday August 19, 2008

Super Squats

Ben 190
Stuart 205
Eugene 150
Lance 145

Lance and Eugene DL 230 + Box Jumps 5 x 6
Stuart Row 2000 7:39
Lance OHS 50 3 x 8
Ben OHS 95 x 15 115 x 6, 8
Ben Row 2000 6:32


Anonymous said...

I did Helen: 9:20
Used 45 lb. dumbbell for swings, and run distance was close but approximate.

Morgan Blackmore said...

Eugene et. al., we miss joining you for workouts, but we've had enough interest to necessitate running evening workouts in Tacoma. Perhaps we'll come by earlier in the day... Nothing compares to your evil evil concoctions. Morgan and Lisa and Finley.