Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday November 30, 2008

Walking DARC Swings x 20
Swing - Helicopter spin/Swing - flip to switch x 10
Aligator walk with pushup x 10
Swing - Clean Catch, throw to switch x 10
Clean/P - PP - PJ/ Snatch x 10
Snatch Catch PP throw to switch x 10
Anchored Snatch x 20
Swing Dancing
2-hand swing
1 hand swing
1 hand high pull
1 hand snatch
5 each hand alternating each time for time (about 1:30)
5 snatches burpee left, 5 snatches burpee right for 5 rounds each hand (about 2:30)

10 Partner Rage Box
20 GHD overhead ball situp throws
30 Band assist handstand pushups

Lance, Stuart, Dano, Jennifer, Kyle, Jeff and Stefan joined me for some tossing about of kettlebells while Brenda did some OHS's and running to add to her morning 50minute CT ride.

Oh yeah, Kerry worked out this morning and did Annie in 24 and a little bit. He plays in a soccer league and sometimes finishes his CF workout and has a game 3 hours later. Indoor soccer, fast stuff.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday November 29, 2008

"Annie Are You OK?"

Row (Calories)
Thrusters (2 x 25 lb DB)
SDLHP (75 lb barbell)
Wall Ball (20)
Med. Ball Clean (30)

Phil 16:18
Jed 22:58
Brandy 24:50

After Annie Phil did some squats and very nearly push pressed the 150 lb tire. He managed to get it up to a clean but lost his hold of it as it went overhead.

Up the Down Staircase

Will 19:44
Alex 19:52
Jeff 21:16
Lance 21:48
Kyle 29:41

Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday November 28, 2008

Up the Down Staircase

5 Floor SPUDS
10 Burger Flips
20 Double Unders
30 Ring Pushups
40 Air Squats
50 Jumping Pullups
40 Flutter Kicks
30 Situps
20 Lunges
10 Under Overs
5 Squat – Tire Hops

Grant 17:15
Eugene 19:54
Bob 23:36
Jed 25:04
Robbie 26:19
Stuart 27:38
Phil 28:15
Dayna 29:45

Excellent recovery metcon that was a lung buster but allowed for a lot of movements and a lot of reps without substantial loads. A lot of work while doing it, it felt good to be done with it but it seemed to do more to remove soreness than create it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday November 26, 2008

Le Grand Century

250 Row
25 2-hand Swings
25 Hammer Hits
25 Pullups
25 Push Press (75)
4 rounds for time

Emily 23:50

Party with the Girls

Elizabeth – 400 m Run – 21 Squat Cleans (75) – 21 Ring Dips
Angie – 20 Pullups – 20 Pushups – 20 Situps – 20 Squats
Kelly – 400 m Run – 30 Box Jumps – 30 Wall Ball Shots
Fran – 21 Thrusters (75) – 21 Pullups
Helen – 400 m Run – 21 Swings (52) – 12 Pullups
Grace – 30 Clean and Jerks (75)

Grant 21:58
Phil 26:25
Lance 26:42
Eugene 26:48
Brenda 27:48
Stuart 31:48
Jed 34:57
Ben 35:20
Robbie 35:54

Leave it to Grant to nearly turn a Long into a Medium. Party with the Girls is a tough one and going that fast is just crazy talk. Jed and Robbie came for the first time a couple days ago and are still suffering from the aftermath of Samantha and Ben showed up for the first time today. All three are army soldiers and all three are much more fit than the average Joe and though they were slower, they got through the workout and that is one tough Party.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday November 25, 2008

Little Nordic Angie

Row 500 - 50 Squats
Row 500 - 50 Pushups
Row 500 - 50 Situps
Row 500 - 50 Pullups

Jennifer 17:51
Emily 21:30
Brandy 26:38
Kyle 24:23


Brenda 19:12
Phil 11:37 (after Super Squats at 275)

Strength Day

BW Squat x 5
Farmer's Walk (80)50 feet
Bag Cleans x 5 (80)
Farmers Walk (80) back to start
Bar walk 100 foot loop (225)
Tire flip and jump through x 3 (500 lb tire
Burpee-Squat Clean-Thruster x 5 with 60 lb ball
3 rounds

Lance and Kerry joined me for this joyful expression of physical effort. I considered making it 5 rounds with I was putting it on the board and after the first round I was very glad I didn't.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday November 24, 2008

Samantha (95)
Press (7-5-3)
Push Press (7-5-3)
Push Jerk (7-5-3)

Phil 4:30
Bob 5:57
Grant 2:34
Kyle 3:02 (15/jumping pullups)
Eugene 3:35
Lance 3:54
Kerry 4:12
Dano 5:30 (35/grn band-jumping)
Phil 3:02
Bob 3:43
Robert 8:22
Jed 8:33

Le Grand Century

250 Row
25 2-hand Swings
25 Hammer Hits
25 Pullups
25 Push Press (75)
4 rounds for time

Brenda 21:56 (36, 45, jumping)
Jenn 26:08 (26, 45, jumping)
Phil 24:50 (50 regular, 50 jumping pullups)
Grant 22:05
Eugene 24:19
Kerry 28:15 (-15 pullups)
Bob 29:58
Lance 27:30
Kyle 29:59 (17, 15, box jumps for rows, jumping pullups).

Sunday November 23, 2008

Nordic Ivan (Ivan with a row instead of jumprope) 30:40

2-hand Swing x 25
Flip and Dip x 10
Renegade Row x 10
Snatch x 2 Squat Clean Thruster, Swing Flip to Switch x 10
TGU x 5 Each arm
50 Snatches
Around the Body Pass/Uppercut Pass x 10
Push Jerk Ladder
Pairs of 61, 52, 44 and 36 lb KB's Push Jerk 2, 4, 6, 8 heavy to light and then after all were done we went the other way reversing the reps count.
Rusty Mower (44)
High Pull
Reps of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 with each arm alternating each time

Eugene 3;27
Dayna 3:27
Stuart 3:41
Jeff 3:48
Will 4:01
Tyler 4:47
Stefan 5:11
Paul 5:14

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Saturday November 22, 2008

Ninja’s Mile

Run 400
21 KB Swings (52)
21 SDLHP (75)
21 KB Push Press (36)
Run 400
15 KB Snatches each hand (44)
15 Ring Dips
Run 400
9 Deadlift/box jump (190)
9 Rage ball with burpee (40)
9 Double KB clean and jerk (44)
Run 400
Once through for time

Phil 18:13
Kerry 22:20
Steve 31:42
Dano DNF

Change Up

Micah 16:53
Brandy 27;40
Jeff 16:29
Will 18;19
Paul 21:12

Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday November 21, 2008

Change up

Emily 22:34


Front Squats 135 x 5/185 x 5/ 195 x 4/215 x 4/235 x 1


Box Squats
135 x 10
135 + 40lbs of chain x 5
135 + 40lbs of chain x 5
155 + 40lbs of chain x 5
155 + 40lbs of chain x 5

Muscle Ups

Harness x 10
Blue box jump assist x 10
Harness + 25lb vest x 10
Harness + 50lb vest x 10
Yellow box jump assist x 10

Just Shoot Me

Kyle 21:35
Lance 23:20

Change Up

Bob 20:39
Stuart 19:13
Dayna 2151
Kerry 22:11
Dano 28:30 (3 Rounds)

Thursday November 20, 2008

Change Up

Row 500
25 Air Squats
20 Jumping Pullups
15 2-Hand Swings (44)
10 Situps
Row 500
10 Air Squats
15 Jumping Pullups
20 2-Hand Swings
25 Situps
Row 500
20 Air Squats
10 Jumping Pullups
25 2-Hand Swings
15 Situps
Row 500
15 Air Squats
25 Jumping Pullups
10 2-Hand Swings
20 Situps
1 round for Time

Eugene 17:21
Grant 16:28
Lance 19:50
Kyle 24:43
Emily 22:37

Unholy Alliance
Stuart 37:08

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday November 19, 2008

Dirty Name

Row 1000m
50 BB Thrusters (45)
40 Ball Slams (30)
30 Pullups
20 Push Press (75)
10 Power Cleans (115)
Once through for time

Brenda 15:01 (15DB-22-50-60)
Jen W. 15:32 (12DB-20-40-50)
Phil 14:47
Emily 15:11 (20-15-30-50)
Erin 28:23 (20-15-30-30)
Eugene 12:39
Lance 13:26
Grant 12:16
Jen. M. 18:38 30/15/40/50
Kyle 18:58 stick/15/10/15

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday November 18, 2008


Jen Wire 14
Emily 15

Evil (95)

10 RDL
10 Hang Power Clean
10 Push Press
10 Front Squats
5 Rounds for time

Phil 12:23
Eugene 14:26
Bob 17:43

Brandy 10:48

Kyle 10:50

Super Squats

Lance 165
Phil 265

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday November 18, 2008

Phil 11:15

Vest of Tribulation

Run 400
40 Push Press
15 Pushups
15 Pullups
4 Rounds for Time

Brenda 25:20

Bob 12:47

Eugene 4:58 (115)

Ninja's Mile

Run 400
21 KB Swings (26)
21 SDLHP (45)
21 KB PP (18)
Run 400
15 KB Snatch (18)
15 Ring Dips
15 Pullups
Run 400
9 DL Box Jump (75)
9 Rage Ball with Burpee
9 Dbl KB C & J (18)
Run 400

Emily 23:36 26/30/18/18/75/22/18
Jennifer M. 20:10 36/50/26/26/75/22/26
Erin 30:10 26/30/18/18/75/22/18
Kyle 20:01 18/15/18/18/12/18

Annie Are You OK
Zach 19:21 with reps of 15-12-8 and kid weights

Sunday November 16,2008

Run Nancy Run

Run 800 m
15 OHS (45)
5 rounds for time

Brenda 26:30 (800 avg time 4:05)

Jeff 7:47
Will 8:55
Stefen 12:10

After Yvette all three did a 5 x 5 DL workout

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday November 15, 2008

Unholy Alliance

Back Squat (135)
KB Snatch (52) 5L 5R
Row (Calories)
BB Push Press (95)
DB Thrusters (35)
BB Hang Power Clean (95)
Wall Ball (20)
Deadlift (140)
KB Clean and Jerk ( 2 x 44)

* = Box Jumps and Ring Pushups
Rounds of 10-8-6

Phil 33:13
Eugene 30:26
Emily 33:18
Josh 35:12
Grant 29:11
Bob 42:26
Jeff 31:07
Paul DNF 10's half of 8's and stopped because of shoulder
Stefan Met with Pukie but continued and stopped after 10's

Friday November 14, 2008

SWAT Training Day


Run 400
DB Thrusters (25)
Ball Slams (25)

Tom 8:47
Rich 8:49
Frank 8:59
Eugene 9:20
Phil 9:44
Seth 11:00
Glen 11:57
Chris 12:55

Death to the Infidel

Emily 18:13 40lb C & J
Brenda 16:12 55lb C & J

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday November 13, 2008


Run 400
Thrusters (15)
Ball Slams (22)

Jen W. 13:13
Emily 12:22

Hour of Power

Kerry 90 (75) 80 75 (grn) 138 (36) 98 93 (36)
Dano 75 (45) 40 (6) 40 (grn) 90 (20) 74 70 (20)


Jennifer M.
Grant (Rowing Yvette) 10:

I can't remember the last 4 times and will fill them in tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday November 12, 2008

Little Kim, Grant Kim, doing the last 10 minutes of Hour of Power, the KB Snatch with a 44. He's the gyms smallest, fastest dynamo. Then there's Sammie and she just follows us around and does various exercises...for hours at a time. The last pic is Big Kim, Phillip Kim (no relation) and he is the gym's strongest guy. I'm becoming much less of a factor in our workouts lately with monsters like these guys around.

Row 1000 Meters
50 Barbell Thrusters (45)
30 Pullups
Once through for time

Jennifer M. 10:43
Kyle M. 10:33

Air Assault
Jump Rope 100
10 Pullups
10 Ring Dips
Row 200
20 KB Swings (52)
20 Ball Slams (30)
Run 400
40 Air Squats
40 Situps
3 Rounds for Time

Jennifer W. 39:05

Hour of Power

Power Clean (95)
Wall Ball (20)
Single KB Push Press (44)
Rowing (Calories)
Single KB Snatch (44)

Grant 120 + 120 + 135 +200 + 120 + 114 = 809
Eugene 102 + 112 + 115 + 220 + 120 + 127 = 796
Phil 131 + 130 + 99 + 158 + 129 + 108 = 755
Brenda 100(40lb) + 100(12lb) + 85 + 154 (17/26) + 120 + 128 = 687
Josh 107 + 110 + 64 + 121 + 111 + 115 = 628
Lance 61 + 142 + 98 + 90 + 108 + 104 = 603
Stuart 57 + 150 + 85 + 100 + 90 + 110 = 592
Bob 22 + 130 + 110 + 100 + 72 + 40 = 474
Erin 30 (40lbs) + 55 (6lb) 30 (Grn) + 80 (18lb) + 70 + 50 (18lb)= 305

Tuesday November 11, 2008


Run 400
21 Swings (52)
12 Pullups
3 Rounds

Grant 8:14
Eugene 8:57
Stuart 9:16
Phil 9;53
Bob 10:47
Josh 10:56
Kerry 11:40
Emily 12:56

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday November 10, 2008

Big Phat Helen
Brenda 20:13

Double Play (Baseline x2)
Jennifer Wire 11:59


Clean and Jerk (135)
30 reps for time

Phil - After 15 reps he found that the clock wasn't running and had to start over. He went again and did it in 3:03. But that wasn't enough so later in the day he did it again and did 2:21. A real glutton. The 4:30 group did...


Grant 8:14
Eugene 8:57
Suart 9:16
Phil 9:53
Bob 10:47 (44)
Josh 10:56
Kerry 11:40 (44)
Emily 12:56 (26/grn band/jumping)

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sunday November 9, 2008

The 400

Brenda 24:40

Dano and Kerry - 9 fundamental CF movements with quite a bit of time spent on the clean. After I tried to get the up and down idea across with the bar, I moved us to a medicine ball. That worked much better. Then back to the bar and the skill transfer from the ball made all the difference. Press was OK as was the push press but the push jerk was typically challenging. Took them awhile but the picked it up eventually and got quite a bit of a workout just learning the movement.

Saturday November 8, 2008

Let's Just Be Friends

Jeff 7:30

Danette (Dano) and hubby Kerry came and we did some KB work and some basic movements to bring them into the fold.

Annie Are You OK

Phil 19:00

Friday November 7, 2008

Annie Are You OK?

Brenda 17:00 20/45/30/12
Emily 20:44 12/30/15/10

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Thursday November 6, 2008

The 400

Stuart 29:26
Josh 35:38

Jeff went out on a date recently and it didn't go so well. At the end of the date the gal says, "Let's just be friends." The event was short and painful and seemed like a great name for a workout so Jeff came up with:

Let's Just Be Friends

Hammer Hits
Push Press (75)
Ball Slams (25)

Phil 8:37
Brenda 12:02 40
Jen W. 1:22 40/15
Emily 30/15
Toni 8:32
Lance 8:43
Eugene 7:59
Toni 8:32
Greg (Phil's friend) 10:22
Josh 9:29 (10 minutes after The 400)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Wednesday November 5, 2008

The 400

20 Calories Rowing
20 Wall Ball
20 KB Swings (52)
20 Pullups
20 Burpees
20 KB Snatches (44)
20 Box Jumps
20 Ring Dips
20 Ball Slams
20 Push Press (75)
2 rounds for time

Jennifer W. 23:43 Wall Ball/6 Swings/36 Snatch/26 Jumping Pullups/Dips PP 40
Phillip 26:34
Emily 34:42 Same as above but with 30 for the push press
Grant 23:51
Eugene 27:17
Lance 32:32

This was a real suffer fest for us all with the burpees being the hands down favorite suffering choice. They took the longest and felt the worst.

Tuesday November 4, 2008

SS Phil 265 (Yowza)
Power Snatch (5 x 5) 95, 125, 135, 135, 155 x 3


Row (Calories)
Thruster (2 x 35 lb DB’s)
Push Press (75)
Rounds of 15-12-9

Jennifer W. 8:30
Brenda 7:40
Phil 7:32
Emily 10:02
Brenda (again) 8:02

Vest of Tribulation

Run 400
40 Push Press (75)
15 Pullups
15 Ring Pushups
4 rounds for time

Stuart 21:13
Toni 23:42

Monday November 3, 2008

Oingo Boingo

Jumping Pullups
Jumping Dips
Rounds of 100-50-25

Brenda 12:12
Jennifer Wire 14:09
Lance 10:57
Jennifer M. 11:19
Eugene 7:19
Stuart 8:38
Phil 9;05

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sunday November 2, 2008

Vest of Tribulation

Run 400
40 Push Press (75)
15 Pullups
15 Ring Pushups
4 Rounds for Time

Eugene 19:50
Andy 21:51
Adam 26:26

Nordic Nancy
Row 500
15 OHS (35)
5 Rounds for Time

Brenda 18:51

Saturday November 1, 2008

Bench Press at 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

Brenda 55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 90
Eugene 135, 155, 165, 175, 185