Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monday August 11, 2008

Root Canal

Ben 20:02
Eugene 20:58
Erin 30:15
Dayna 19:57


Anonymous said...

I did Root Canal on the 14th.

I changed a couple weights. I did:
10 Dead Lifts (225)
20 Box Jumps
10 Snatch (95)
20 Ball Slams (25)
10 Thrusters (95)
20 Cals Rowing

26:24 If I subtract the approx 5:00 total time for commuting to and from the rowing machine then my time is more in line with yours.

Unknown said...

BW-204 I also changed a couple things:
10 X 225lbs DL
20 Box Jumps
10 X 75lbs Snatch
20 Knees to Elbos (No ball avail)
10 X 135lbs Thrusters
20 Cal Rowing

Finished today 24:43 But kicker,and I was moving slow.