1828 112th Street East Unit B
Here's the front with the glass entry doors. There are two 14 x 9 offices and a bathrom on the main floor which measures 50 x 55 total.
Inside you can see the roll up door and the mezzanine. The bathroom and part of one of the offices is in the close part of box, the angled thing is the stairwell and behind that are the two offices and the glass front door.
From the rollup door you can see most of the 2,880 square feet and get a feel for the 21 foot tall ceilings. That's a lot of stall mats to be sure.
Here's one of the offices looking to the main entrance office and the stairwell.
The mezzanine is 27 feet long and 10 feet wide and there is a small piece that sticks out over the bathroom...
...and looks out over the whole gym area like a conductor's stand.
It's a scary thing to start this up but the only way to go to grow the gym and make a stronger CrossFit presence.
Will get to Squats and Bench tomorrow, today did an "Annie are you OK?" like workout.
21, 15, 9
Cal Row
40bls DB Thrusters
95lbs SDHP
Box Jump
Me- 16:05/ Mike W 17:05
Congrats on new location!
Eugene, that is awesome! Congrats on the new place. Good location too, nice and close to 512.
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