Thursday, November 06, 2008

Thursday November 6, 2008

The 400

Stuart 29:26
Josh 35:38

Jeff went out on a date recently and it didn't go so well. At the end of the date the gal says, "Let's just be friends." The event was short and painful and seemed like a great name for a workout so Jeff came up with:

Let's Just Be Friends

Hammer Hits
Push Press (75)
Ball Slams (25)

Phil 8:37
Brenda 12:02 40
Jen W. 1:22 40/15
Emily 30/15
Toni 8:32
Lance 8:43
Eugene 7:59
Toni 8:32
Greg (Phil's friend) 10:22
Josh 9:29 (10 minutes after The 400)


Anonymous said...

Hey guys. Crossfit Tacoma got a write up in the The News Tribune. It mentions us and Rainier Crossfit a couple times. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Let's Just Be Friends on 11-9.

I didn't have a hammer so I swung a 45lb barbell at a bench.