Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Tuesday May 6, 2008

Some of us had sore arms from our workouts, some had sore legs because they did a different workout. On the calendar was Artificial Limp for yesterday but we did Ninja's Mile instead. Today was to be a strength day and Heavily Armed tomorrow. I decided to put them together and came up with:

Unholy Alliance

Back Squat (135) Ben did 185
KB Snatch (52) half rep count each arm
Box Jumps/Ring Pushups

Row (Calories)
Barbell Push Press (95)
Box Jumps/Ring Pushups

DB Thruster (35)
Barbell Hang Power Clean (95)
Box Jumps/Ring Pushups

Wall Ball (20)
Box Jumps/Ring Pushups

Deadlift (190)
KB Clean and Jerk (2 x 44)
Box Jumps/Ring Pushups

Rounds of 10-8-6 for time

We had 7 people doing the workout and not enough boxes so we used a tractor tire to give us enough room. We spread ourselves out through the different exercises with the rule being you had to finish that pair of exercises and the box jumps and ring pushups before moving on.

Eugene 26:43
Ben 29:28
Alex 29:56 (95 back squat, 44 snatch, 36 cln & jrk, 85 Hang Pwr Cln, 30 thruster)
Erik 32:09 (but he can swim 100 meters on the 125 for 10 sets)
Lance 32:13
Chris 37:46 (95 back squat, 40 lb db for snatch and c & j, 85 Hang Pwr Cln)
Glen 42:14


Anonymous said...

My time was the slowest, but I suffered more than anyone! Glen.

Glen said...

I may have the slowest time, but I suffered the most. G.

Jesse Ward said...

I did heavily armed with half the ring push-ups per set, 21:58 - what kinda times are guys pulling that workout in!?


Anonymous said...

I did this one on 5-9. It took me 36:41. However, that includes the time it took me to commute back and forth between the weight room and the rowing machine. I also had to change weights on the one barbell I had. I would guess that I could easily take 7:00 off my time to make up for that. So, I'm saying my time was around 29:46.

Unknown said...

Short on time, so only got through set of 10 and 8 before work today. Being sick for past week didn't help any either. Time was 30:15 Weights were; BSquat-185#, DB Thruster-45#, Power Cleans-135#, DL-225#. Sub 75# SDHP for rows, and 5 burpees for box jump,ring pushups. Didn't have either available.