Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Suffer on Saturday

CrossFit Pierce County invites you to a free Suffer on Saturday workout on September 27th and/or October 4th for a glimpse into the CFPC way of training. Come check out the new digs and see what it feels like to do a Variety of Functional movements at great Intensity. Toni reminds me that I should have put a time here. We will get going at 11:00 so c'mon down and give it a try.

Thanks Toni.


Anonymous said...

What time are the workouts?

Eugene R. Allen said...

Toni - it's right there in the header...11:00 AM for each of them.

We're doing an Epic tomorrow, Jacob's Ladder.

Eugene R. Allen said...

I looked at the wrong entry. You're right, no time in the blog entry. I fixed it. Thanks for the catch.